2012 Volume 7, no.2
Author(s): A. Saghatelyan, L. Sahakyan, O. Belyaeva
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 84-88
Keywords: heavy metals, irrigation water pollution, soil pollution, crops pollution.
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Author(s): F. Macaev
Field: Organic chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 67-77
Keywords: natural chiral hydrocarbons, ionic liquids.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(2).12
Graphical Abstract: The data on the development of selective organic synthesis suitable for obtaining multifunctional organic compounds both linear and cyclic structures using environmentally benign, inexpensive and renewable resources summarized.
This article is an extended abstract of a communication presented at the Conference Ecological Chemistry 2012.
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Author(s): L. Zadorojnai, A. Zadorojnai
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 57-66
Keywords: hyaluronic acid, obtaining methods, natural sources.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(2).13
Graphical Abstract: Properties and methods for obtaining hyaluronic acid and its derivatives from raw material of animal origin are reviewed.
The importance and practical application of hyaluronic acid in various fields are discussed. This article is an extended abstract of a communication presented at the Conference Ecological Chemistry 2012.
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Author(s): V. Kulcitki
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 46-56
Keywords: terpenoids, biomimetic synthesis, cyclisation, rearrangement, oligomerisation, functionalisation.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(2).14
Graphical Abstract: The current paper represents an outline of the selected contributions to the biomimetic procedures and approaches for the synthesis of terpenes with complex structure and diverse functionalisation pattern. These include homologation strategies, cyclisations, rearrangements, as well as biomimetic remote functionalisations.
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Author(s): Gh. Duca, A. Ivancic, V. Boldescu
Field: Industrial chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 39-45
Keywords: cyclodextrins, pharmaceuticals, medicine, inclusion complexes.
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Author(s): Inga Zinicovscaia
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 32-38
Keywords: nanotechnology, bacteria, microalga, nanoparticles, silver, gold.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(2).16
Graphical Abstract: A critical need in the field of nanotechnology is the development of a reliable and eco-friendly process for synthesis of metallic nanoparticles. A number of different organisms, including bacteria, microalgae, yeast and fungi, have shown their ability to produce metal nanoparticles. But they have some drawbacks in providing better control over size distribution, shape and crystallinity. This review article presents an overview of microorganisms (bacteria and microalga) capable of producing silver and gold nanoparticles. This article is an extended abstract of a communication presented at the Conference Ecological Chemistry 2012.
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Author(s): Inga Zinicovscaia
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 27-31
Keywords: chromium, biosorption, bacteria, microalgae, fungi.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(2).17
Graphical Abstract: Due to its widespread industrial use, chromium has become a serious pollutant in diverse environmental settings. The main source of chromium pollution including the Republic o Moldova is industry. It is a great need to develop new eco-friendly methods of chromium removal. Biosorption of heavy metals is a most promising technology involved in the removal of toxic metals from industrial waste streams and natural waters.
This article is an extended abstract of a communication presented at the Conference Ecological Chemistry 2012.
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Author(s): T. Spataru, F. Fernandez
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 21-26
Keywords: catalysis, electronic structure, DFT methods, reaction mechanisms.
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Author(s): Ilie Fishtik
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 12-20
Keywords: Thermodynamic stability, C-H-O system, chemical species.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(2).19
Graphical Abstract: Trace elements soil pollution leads to degradation of structure and aggregates stability which promotes the soil erosion and compaction. For more efficient management of the results on the content of trace elements in eroded soils is used the ecological indicators for characterization the accumulation in genetic horizons. The data confirms the soil pollution by erosion, the losses of humus, carbonates, and trace elements in arable carbonatic chernozems of catena. The humus losses in eroded soils consists 52%, the trace elements - 33-35%.
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Author(s): l. Povar, L. Chiriac and T. Cazac
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 9-11
Keywords: Ion Vatamanu, Analytical chemistry
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(2).20 Ion Vatamanu was a chemist, writer and public figure. He was equally passionate about both his chosen fields of activity: chemistry and poetry. Chemistry, with its perfect equilibrium of logic and precision, provided inspiration for lyrical creativity, whereas poetry writing enlivened his imagination and passion for chemistry. He loved his parents. He adored his wife Elena, whom he often gifted a sea of flowers. He loved his daughters Mihaela, Mariana, and Leontina. He loved life, and he loved people...
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