Chemistry Journal of Moldova

2010 Volume 5, no.2


Secara Natalia

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 83-87
Keywords: DPPH; antioxidant activity; stoichiometry; stopped-flow; kinetics; dihydroxyfumaric acid.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The reaction of dihydroxyfumaric acid with the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) was studied using the stopped-flow method, in order to describe the reaction kinetics. Dihydroxyfumaric acid reacts very rapidly with DPPH, the reaction being completed in several minutes. This 2-stoichiometric reaction proceeds in two stages, with reaction orders of 1 and 0.76 with respect to DPPH, and 0.5 and 0.3 with respect to DHF, respectively. The rate constant of the two stages of the reaction were found to be 39.1 (L/mol•s) and 0.0012 (s-1) at 20º C and pH 4.0.

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Gh. Duca, T. Lupascu

Type: Editorial
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 88-89
Keywords: Constantin Turta, application of Mossbauer spectroscopy in chemistry, magnetochemistry, biologically active coordination compounds, nanomaterials.
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Dear academician, professor Constantin Turta, on the occasion of Your 70 years anniversary and 50 years of fruitful scientific and teaching activity, on behalf of the scientific community of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, we address You our best wishes of prosperity, health, welfare, new advances in boinorganic chemistry, nanomaterials and advanced technologies.

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T. Furdui

Type: Editorial
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 90-92
Keywords: Constantin Turta, application of Mössbauer spectroscopy in chemistry, inorganic and coordinative chemistry.
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The scientific community marked in December 2010, a special event for local science - 70 years from the date of birth of the great chemist scientist, academician of ASM, doctor habilitate, Professor Constantin Turta, who is considered one of the greatest scholars in inorganic chemistry due to his erudition and fruitful scientific activity.

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