Chemistry Journal of Moldova

2013 Volume 8, no.1


N. Timbaliuc, T. Lupascu

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.1
Pages: 90-94
Keywords: activated carbons, adsorption, mesopore volume, Congo Red, vitamin B12.
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Graphical Abstract:
The adsorption properties of activated carbons, obtained from local raw materials (nut shells, peach and plum stones), towards Congo Red and vitamin B12 have been studied.  The values of adsorption of these marker-substances are in direct correlation with the structural characteristics of the studied samples of activated carbons, in particular, with their mesopore volume.

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O.G. Kolumbin, L.N. Ognichenko, A.G. Artemenko, P.G. Polischuk, М.A. Kulinsky, Е.N. Мuratov, V.E. Kuz’min, V.A. Bobeica

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.1
Pages: 95-100
Keywords: pesticides, toxicological analysis, QSAR, lipophilicity, RF method.
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Graphical Abstract:
In our study the dataset containing 489 pesticides and their active substances of different classes of organic compounds was used for analysis. For compounds of analyzed dataset the values of lipophilicity, water solubility, toxicity, bioavailability and mutagenicity were predicted by developed QSAR models. The most environmentally hazardous substances were identified using prediction of QSAR models for pesticides. The satisfactory coincidence between the experimental values of investigated properties and their predicted values by QSAR models was obtained (coefficient of determination in the range 83-94 %).

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