Chemistry Journal of Moldova

2013 Volume 8, no.2


Andrei Rija, Eduard Coropceanu

Field: Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 8-20
Keywords: Co(III) dioximates, fluorine containing anions, ligands orientation, H-bonds, biostimulation properties
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As a result of the comparative study of axial ligand orientation towards the equatorial plane in α - dioximates Co (III) obtained by us and those described in the specialized literature (found in Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre) showed that the external anions and solvent molecules contribute to the orientation of axial ligands as selenourea and thiourea. For aniline and sulphanilamide ligands, is more convenient the parallel orientation to form π-π interactions between the aromatic rings of ligands and the metallocycle of equatorial plane.

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Veaceslav Boldescu, Valeriu Crudu, Natalia Sucman, Serghei Pogrebnoi, Marina Zviaghinţeva, Eugenia Stîngaci, Vsevolod Pogrebnoi, Fliur Macaev

Field: Organic chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 21-31
Keywords: macrophage receptor targeting, macrophage enzyme targeting, inflammatory disorders, tuberculosis, cancer
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Macrophages play an important role in the pathological development of different diseases. Therefore, macrophage targeting represents an important challenge in design of new medicines. This review gives a general presentation of small molecule-recognition concepts used for macrophage targeting. It describes mechanisms and systems for macrophage-targeted delivery, their obtaining and application.

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Lilia Anghel, Gheorghe Duca

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Review
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 32-41
Keywords: nanoparticles, iron, microorganisms, biological synthesis, biomedical applications
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Iron-based nanoparticles have gained a lot of attention due to their properties which offer a broad range of biomedical and industrial applications. Traditional methods of synthesis of iron nanoparticles strongly influence their properties and limit their applicability. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the development of biological routes of syntheses of iron nanoparticles as the resulting particles have structural characteristics required by biomedical field. The mechanism for the synthesis of iron-based nanoparticles by microorganisms and its current limitation are presented.

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Maria Sandu, Anatol Tarita, Raisa Lozan, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca, Sergiu Turcan, Elena Mosanu, Afanasie Prepelita

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 42-50
Keywords: groundwater, chemicals state, pollution sources, correlation of components, water type and qualification
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In Memory of Valeriu Ropot for his scientific contributions in Waters Protection
The present study estimates chemical composition and status of the groundwater from the Dniester river basin. Research includes defining of springs/fountains location, evaluating physicochemical features of water, highlighting of main pollutants and pollution sources, establishing of water type and quality. The research was achieved within the State Program "Scientific research and water quality management".

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Larisa Postolachi

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 51-56
Keywords: bottom sediments, re-suspension, the Prut River
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 The results suggest that during the re-suspension, bottom sediments can become a relevant source of heavy metals and phosphorus forms which are mobilized in the water horizon overlying the bottom sediments.

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Larisa Postolachi, Vasile Rusu, Tudor Lupascu

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 57-66
Keywords: bottom sediments, particulate materials, phosphorus forms, the Prut River
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The supplemented scheme for determination of phosphorus forms in natural waters was tested for the River Prut.

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Povar Igor, Spinu Oxana

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 67-72
Keywords: buffer action, complex formation, soil solution, solid phase, thermodynamic stability
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The key quantitative characteristics of the theory of buffer action for polycomponent mono- and two-phase systems have been derived. It is shown, that the buffer properties in relation to the solid phase components are amplified with an increase of solubility due to protolytic or complex formation equilibria in saturated solutions.

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Ecaterina Covaci, Gheorghe Duca, Rodica Sturza

Field: Food chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 73-77
Keywords: young white wine, crystalline stabilization, suspension of bentonite, conductivity
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Crystalline precipitate which occurs due to the presence of tartaric salts is frequently encountered in young wines in form of white-dirty lamellar crystals at the bottom of tank. The aim of the study is to prevent the tartaric salts from crystallization in young wine blend Biance/Sauvignon by implementing various schemes and procedures.

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Carolina Vomisescu, Paulina Bourosh, Victor Kravtsov, Diana Dragancea

Field: Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 78-82
Keywords: semicarbazone, binuclear nickel(II) complex, crystal structure
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An ONO tridentate semicarbazone Schiff base and a bidentate dipyridyl ligand give a nickel(II) dimer, where atom centers are bridged by phenolate oxygen donors.

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Viorina Gorinchoy, Sergiu Shova, Elena Melnic, Victor Kravtsov, ConstantinTurta

Field: Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 83-89
Keywords: carboxy-cluster, Iron(III), salicylate, IR, Mössbauer, TG data
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A reaction of iron and barium nitrate with ammonium salicylate in the mixture of solvents leads to the formation of the new homotrinuclear complex, [Fe3O(SalH)7(H2O)2]∙(DMAA)2(MeOH)(THF)1,5(H2O)2,6. Single-crystal X-ray study shows that the titled complex with the moiety {Fe3O} belongs to the well-known group of μ3-oxohomotrinuclear carboxylates. The IR and MS studies are in accordance with x-ray data. Thermal behaviour of the complex was studied.

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