2007 Volume 2, no.1
Author(s): Diana Porubin
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 78-82
Keywords: N-nitrosonornicotine, nitrosation, inhibition, grape seed extract, polyphenol.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).11
Graphical Abstract: The inhibition of nornicotine nitrosation was studied. The concentration of nornicotine was 100 μM and nitrite 1000 μM. As inhibitors were used following compounds: ascorbic acid (as reference) (800, 1000, and 5000 μM), dihydroxyfumaric acid (1000 μM), (+)catechin (1000 μM), resveratrol (1000 μM), tartaric acid (1000 μM), quercetin (1000 μM), and grape seed extract (50, 100, 150 μg/ml). The best inhibitory effect was obtained for AAs at 5000 μM (90.7%), (+)Ct (95.5 %) and GSE at 150 μg/ml (96.1%). The small inhibitory effect was observed for TA – 22,5%.
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Author(s): Maria Gonţa
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 67-77
Keywords: nitrite, haemoglobin, inhibitor of methemoglobinization.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).12
Graphical Abstract: The paper includes the study of the inhibition of the process of methemoglobinization at oxidation with nitrites in the presence of sodium dihydroxyfumarate (DFH3Na) and resveratrol (3,4’,5-trihydroxystilben). The experimental study was carried out by treatment of the erythrocyte mass by hemolysis and exposure to nitrite. The kinetic investigations were carried out in following conditions: [Resv] = (5.10-5 – 1.10-3) mol/l, [DFH3Na] = 1.10-6 – 5.10-6 mol/l; [HbO2]=1.10-3 mol/l; pH 7,1; t = 370C. The rate of transformation of HbO2 in the presence of resveratrol and DFH3Na was calculated from kinetic curves of consumption of the substrate and formation of MetHb obtained pectrophotometrically (λmax= 540 nm for HbO2 and λmax=630 for MetHb). It has been found out that the introduction of resveratrol and DFH3Na in the system HbO2 – NO2- causes the decrease of the autooxidation factor φ DFH3Na approximately by 1.1 – 2.5 times and φresveratrol by 1.1 – 1.7 times. The time of achievement of the maximum rate of oxidation of HbO2 dζ/dτ (where ζ is the rate of transformation of HbO2 in MetHb) increases while the phase of fast oxidation of HbO2 decreases with increase of content of inhibitors. The process of interaction of nitrites with reducers (such as DFH4, DFH3Na, resveratrol and (+)-catechine) was carried out as well. It has been established that degree of diminishing of the concentration of nitrites in the system RedH2-NO2- decreases as follows: DFH4.
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Author(s): Vasile Rusu, Aliona Vrînceanu and Igor Polevoi
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 63-66
Keywords: diatomite, mineralogical composition.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).13
Graphical Abstract: Studies of the mineralogical composition of diatomite from the Ghidirim location of RM, as well as of the extracted clay phase are presented. The mineral phase of the diatomite contains a number of clay minerals, like montmorillonite (in a mixture with insignificant quantities of slightly chloritized montmorillonite), illite and kaolinite. Diatomite contains also non-clay components as fine-dispersed quartz and amorphous material, the more probable sources of which are opal, amorphous alumosilicates, aluminum and iron hydroxides. The applied procedure for separation of clay fractions by sizing settling in liquid media proves to be very useful, enabling possibilities for more accurate identification of the clay constituents of diatomic material. Procedure allows to separate very clean clay fraction especially rich in montmorillonite, which can be utilized itself as mineral adsorbent for practical purposes.
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Author(s): Svetlana S. Stavitskaya, Nikolai T. Kartel
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 58-62
Keywords: carbon, catalysis, oxidation, destruction, wastewaters.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).14
Graphical Abstract: The paper considers a possibility of using the catalytic action of the carbonaceous adsorbents modified by different ways for the purification of various solutions, natural and wastewaters. It has been found that the oxidative destruction of organic (phenols, dyes, pesticides, etc.) and inorganic (H2S) contaminants in water solutions is considerably intensified in the presence of both ordinary activated carbons and especially, carbons with specially introduced catalytic additives. It is shown that the sewage treatment level is strongly affected by the amount and nature of a modifying agent introduced on the carbon surface.
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Author(s): Lavinia Tofan, Doina Bilba, Carmen Paduraru and Ovidiu Toma
Field: Analytical chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 51-57
Keywords: sorption, polyurethane foam, tri-n-butyl phosphate, gallium.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).15
Graphical Abstract: The obtained results concerning the Ga (III) ion retention on flexible open cell polyurethane foam of polyether type pretreated with tri-n-butyl phosphate are presented. The influence of solution acidity, phases contact time, Ga (III) concentration and solution temperature have been investigated. The parameters of Ga (III) batch sorption have been optimized. On the basis of Langmuir isotherms, the sorption constants and the thermodynamic parameters, ∆G, ∆Η and ∆S have been calculated.
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Author(s): V. Kulciţki, P. F. Vlad, Gh. Duca, T. Lupaşcu
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 36-50
Keywords: polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, grape seeds, chromatography, MS, NMR.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).16
Graphical Abstract:
The present paper provides an account of the basic technuques employed in the investigation of the grape seeds proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins). The importance and biological activity properties of these compounds are considered briefly in the introductory part, while isolation and structural investigation of grape seeds proanthocyanidins represent the basic part of the review. The references cover mostly the recent publications related to implementation of modern techniques of investigation, like high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS).
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Author(s): Boris Tsukerblat, Alex Tarantul, Achim Müller
Field: Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 17-35
Keywords: nanoscopic molecular magnets; V15 cluster; antisymmetric exchange; Jahn- Teller effect.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).17
Graphical Abstract: In this paper we give a short overview of our efforts in the understanding of the magnetic properties of the fascinating nanoscopic cluster K
2O (hereafter V15) exhibiting layers of magnetization. We analyze EPR and adiabatic magnetization of the V15 cluster with a triangular VIV3 array causing spin frustration. A model for V15 includes isotropic an

d antisymmetric (AS) exchange interactions in the general form compatible with the trigonal symmetry. Orientation of the AS vector (but not only its absolute value) is shown to play an important physical role in spin-frustrated systems. We were able to reach perfect fit to the experimental data on the stepwise dependence of magnetization vs. field at ultra-low temperatures. Furthermore, it was possible for the first time to estimate precisely two components of the AS vector coupling constant, namely, in-plane component and the perpendicular part. We show that only intramultiplet transitions in EPR are allowed when the vector of AS exchange is normal to the plane of vanadium triangle, meanwhile the in-plane part of AS exchange gives rise to a series of weak intermultiplet transitions. Experimental data on high-frequency EPR of V15 at low temperatures are discussed. The spin-vibronic effects in trimeric spin frustrated clusters are also studied and an important role of the interplay between the AS exchange and Jahn-Teller interaction is revealed. The results clarify the concept of spin-frustration in view of its magnetic and spectroscopic manifestations in metal clusters.
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Author(s): Pavel F. Vlad, Gheorghe Duca
Issue: 2007 Volume 2, no.1
Pages: 8-14
Keywords: modern chemistry, inorganic and bioinorganic, analytical and ecological, organic and bioorganic, physical and quantum chemistry.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2007.02(1).18
The first International Conference organized by the Chemical Society of Moldova has taken place in the early October 2003. Following are the most important research directions, objectives and realizations, achieved by different institutions involved in chemical research during the period of 2004-2007, presented in a very concise form.
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