Chemistry Journal of Moldova

2012 Volume 7, no.1


Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 9-10
Keywords: Editorial Board Chemistry Journal of Moldova
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Issue preface with a special dedication to the 60-th anniversary of Academician Gheorghe Duca, Editor-in-chief and our colleague who stands at the roots of the journal.

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Acad., prof. Gheorghe Duca

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 12-19
Keywords: Gheorghe Duca, Ecological Chemistry of Water, Ecological Chemistry of the Atmosphere, Ecological chemistry of soil, Ecological chemistry of wastes, Renewable energy.
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Presentation for International Conference “Ecological Chemistry” Chisinau, March 2, 3 2012

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Janusz Lipkowski

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 20-23
Keywords: water, physicochemical characteristics, hydrophobic hydration
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Graphical Abstract:
 Water has been known for its unusual properties from antiquity when, e.g. was found that hot water freezes faster than cold water. Presently, on the web page 'water' Martin Chaplin [1] lists sixty seven properties of water which may be considered 'anomalous' when comparing to 'normal' chemical substances. Much of this can be attributed to the spatial structure of hydrogen bonding in condensed phases of water. Hydrogen bonding constitutes about 2/3 of cohesion energy of water. However, the remaining 1/3 is definitely not negligible. Combination of the two leads to properties of water in the systems where it plays a role. The very comprehensive range of such systems and common presence of water make the enormous variety of structures and properties of water-containing compounds. In the present paper the non-hydrophilic component of properties of water will be emphasized in combination with the structural aspects of supramolecular bonding of water molecules.

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Vladislav V. Goncharuk

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 24-28
Keywords: Physicochemical properties of water, protium water, light water, heavy water, water toxicity
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 Data on physicochemical properties of the light water (deuterium concentration is reduced to the ratio D/H = 4 ppm and that of the isotope of oxygen 18 – to the ratio 18O/16O = 750 ppm) have been obtained. They include the melting and boiling points, kinematic viscosity, density, the spin-spin proton relaxation time, self-diffusion coefficients, and the small-angle laser light scattering. An explanation was proposed for the detected significant changes of the light water as compared with the high-resistivity water having geochemically ordinary isotope composition.

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S.P Li., R.P. Koroleva, K.A. Kydralieva, and Sh.J. Jorobekova

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 29-39
Keywords: humic substances, heavy metals, de-toxicants, detoxifying ability
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 This research demonstrated development and properties of detoxicants of integrated effect based on humic derivatives. Set of samples of humic-based derivatives including carbonylated, hydrophobizated, oxygenated, cryodestructed and biosolubilized have been synthesized. It has been demonstrated that all the produced detoxicants possessed plant growth promoting activity and detoxifying potential in relation to heavy metals.

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Andrei Siuris

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 40-44
Keywords: wastes, hydrolytic lignin, hydrolytic slime, chemical amelioration, solonets.
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Graphical Abstract:
 The results of different experimental modalities of residues from biochemical plants which function on the basis of hydrolysis (hydrolytic lignin, hydrolytic slime) as black soil solonets fertilizer and amendment are presented in the given paper. From the ecological and economic points of view, a new technology of chemical amelioration of alkaline soils with excessive administration of components from hydrolytic residues as soil ameliorators is founded.

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Tamara Leah

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 45-49
Keywords: trace elements, ecological indicators, chemical forms, soil erosion, chernozem.
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 Trace elements soil pollution leads to degradation of structure and aggregates stability which promotes the soil erosion and compaction. For more efficient management of the results on the content of trace elements in eroded soils is used the ecological indicators for characterization the accumulation in genetic horizons. The data confirms the soil pollution by erosion, the losses of humus, carbonates, and trace elements in arable carbonatic chernozems of catena. The humus losses in eroded soils consists 52%, the trace elements - 33-35%.

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Popov Leonid, Ciudin Gheorghe, Rotaru Serghei

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 50-53
Keywords: soil degradation, erosion, contamination.
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Graphical Abstract:
 Investigations found HCH and DDT residuals in bottom sediments from several reservoirs and lakes as well as the main rivers, Nistru and Prut (concentrations ranged between 0.2 and 15.8 ppb). The concentration of PCBs in the topsoil collected beneath the capacitors battery at the Vulcănesti substation reached a level of 7100 ppm which is exceeding the MAC by five orders of magnitude (!). With no exception, allowable concentrations of PCBs in soil were exceeded also on the territory of other investigated substations, with peaks registered at the Briceni substation (2545 ppm) and the Orhei substation (1959 ppm).

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E.G. Morozov, V.M. Nikol`skii, T.V. Saprunova, A.A. Yakovlev

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 54-55
Keywords: advanced technology, wastewater treatment, nitrite ions, the electrochemical cell, the methods of purification, sodium hypochlorite.
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 The main reason for high concentration of nitrite ions in water is the existence of sources of industrial and agricultural pollution. Contamination of drinking water, juices, wine and other liquids of nitrite ions as a result of improper use of nitrogen fertilizers has an adverse effect on living organism, because under the influence of enzymes nitrite ions in living organisms form high carcinogenic nitrosamines, and the interaction of nitrite ions from blood hemoglobin causes such toxicity that leads to disease cyanosis [1]. Therefore removal of nitrite ions from water has received increased attention. The paper discusses an innovative wastewater treatment technology from the nitrite ion with hypochlorite produced during electrolysis.

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A.B. Yankauskas, S.N. Lukashenko, A.A. Amirov, P.V. Govenko

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 56-69
Keywords: tunnel, lanthanides, element, STS, Degelen.
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 The ecological situation in the former Semipalatinsk test site is characterized by a combination of both radiative and "nonradiative" factors. There were investigated near-portal areas of the tunnels with water seepage at "Degelen" site. All the tunnel waters are characterized by higher concentrations of uranium, beryllium, and molybdenum. The watercourse of the tunnel # 504 is unique for its elemental composition, in particular, the content of rare earth elements, whose concentration in the water is in the range n*10-5 – n*10-7 %. Of all the rare earth elements in the samples were found 13, the concentrations of aluminum, manganese, zinc are comparable to the concentrations of macro-components. Concentration of 238U in the studied waters lie in the range of n*10-4 – n*10-6 %, which suggests the influence of uranium, not only as a toxic element, but its significance as the radiation factor.

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