Chemistry Journal of Moldova

2012 Volume 7, no.1


L.N. Tolkacheva, T.V. Saprunova and V.M. Nikol`skii, A.A. Yakovlev

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 70-73
Keywords: aluminum, ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid, derivatives of ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid, complex formation, complexones, thermodynamic constants, concentration constants.
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Complex formation between Al3+ and ethylenediamine - N,N`-disuccinic acid (H4L) was studied at 25°C against the background of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 N solutions of KNO3 by potentiometry and mathematical modeling. The extrapolation of concentration constants to zero ionic strength was used to calculate the thermodynamic constants of the formation of the AlL–, AlHL complexes using an equation with one individual parameter (logβ0 = 16.27 ± 0.07, 9.19 ± 0.2 respectively).

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Armen Saghatelyan, Lilit Sahakyan, Olga Belyaeva

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 74-77
Keywords: urban air pollution, dust load, heavy metals.
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V.I. Grinevich, A.A. Gushchin, T.V. Izvekova, V.Y. Shulyk

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 78-82
Keywords: water, barrier plasma discharge, pollutants, surfactants.
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 Kinetic data of degradation on aqueous solutions of surfactants in the plasma of barrier discharge are presented. The possible mechanism of proceeding processes is offered and considered. It is shown that the treatment in a barrier discharge results in decomposition efficiency of 95%. It is established that the main product of degradation are carboxylic acids.

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Burlakovs Juris, Vircavs Magnuss

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 83-90
Keywords: dump sites, remediation, re-cultivation.
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 Particular attention in this article is paid to the research of two waste dumps in the capital city of Latvia – Riga, which are planned to be re-cultivated in the nearest future and one site, which is former toxic hazardous soil dump site, where the remediation of site is of priority need. The present study is giving a general overview of contamination level in two waste dumps in Riga, which were made in the period from 50-ties to 70-ties of the 20th century, also the case of hazardous soil dump site formed in a period of more than 100 years is described. Planned actions as well as direct remediational technologies to reduce the poisonous impact to the urban environment and the role of re-cultivation in the urban planning in general are proposed.

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Gr. Stasiev, I. Eni, T. Leah

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 91-94
Keywords: cambic chernozem, winter wheat, heavy metals, concentration, environmental pollution.
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The content of heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Sn, Cs, Ba, La, Rb, Sr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn) has been determinate in the soil-plant system: cambic chernozem - winter wheat. It was found that the amount of Ag, Sb, Sn and Ba are accumulating in soil, exceeds the admissible concentration limit. In winter wheat, the content of Cd, Fe and Zn exceed the maximum admissible concentrations. The Rb, Mn, Zn accumulates in the winter wheat grains, and Fe and Cu – in the vegetal organs of wheat.

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Vladimir Kiriliuc

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 95-98
Keywords: environmental regulation, trace elements, soils, pollution level, indicators.
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 The scale of environmental regulation (content and pollution levels) of trace element in soils of Moldova was proposed. Contamination levels are justified, depending on the adverse effects that have trace elements in soils, plants, groundwater and more - per person. Proposed scale has 6 content and 4 pollution levels. Together with equalized MPC may help to consider a number of deficiencies that are available in this area and improve the practical application of the assessment of soil contamination. Scale Indicators are flexible values, taking the large variability content of trace elements.

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Irina Terenetskaya, Tetiana Orlova, Pavel Kapinos

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 98-103
Keywords: Solar UV radiation, vitamin D synthesis, UV monitoring, UV biodosimeter, mathematical model.
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 Vitamin D which is formed upon UV solar radiation in human skin is essential in many physiological functions. To estimate beneficial vitamin-D-synthetic capacity of sunlight a bio-equivalent UV dosimeter that is based on the same molecular photochemistry from which vitamin D is photosynthesized in human skin has been developed. The examples of an in situ monitoring of the vitamin-D-synthetic capacity of sunlight using an in vitro model of vitamin D synthesis are presented, and various operational principles of the UV biodosimeter are discussed. In addition, reliable algorithm is presented for direct calculation of previtamin D3 accumulation using the photoreaction mathematical model with solar UV spectra as input data. Critical dependence of previtamin D3 accumulation on cloudiness and aerosols is demonstrated.

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V.M. Nikolskiy, L.N. Tolkacheva, Ya.M. Khalyapina, T.I. Smirnova, A.A. Yakovlev

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 104-106
Keywords: chlorophyll a, complexones, ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid, iminodisuccinic acid.
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In the laboratory and plot experiments the effect of ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) and iminodisuccinic acid (IDS) on chlorophyll content in wheat germ leaves and adult plants was investigated. It was estimated that both complexons increased chlorophyll content in leaves and crop yield.

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Bilanchyn Yaroslav, Rezvaya Svetlana, Medinets Volodymyr

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 107-109
Keywords: black soils, irrigation, post-irrigation period, degradation processes.
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 Many years’ studies of process of changes in composition, properties and fertility of the black soils of the North-Western Black Sea area in Ukraine with irrigation have revealed mobility of carbonates and humus in them, decrease of capacity of cationic consumption and content of consumed calcium, increase of share of consumed magnesium and sodium. Indicators of agro-physical state of soils under irrigation conditions are worsening significantly.

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Ecaterina Emnova

Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 110-114
Keywords: soil, fertilization, enzymatic activity, organic N mineralization
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 The paper deals with the evaluation of the intensity of certain soil biochemical processes (e.g. soil organic C mineralization) at Organic and mixed Mineral+Organic fertilization of typical chernozem in crop rotation dynamics (for 6 years) by use of eco-physiological indicators of biological soil quality: microbial biomass carbon, basal soil respiration, as well as, microbial and metabolic quotients. Soil sampling was performed from a long-term field crop experiment, which has been established in 1971 at the Balti steppe (Northern Moldova). The crop types had a more considerable impact on the soil microbial biomass accumulation and community biochemical activity compared to long-term Organic or mixed
Mineral + Organic fertilizers amendments. The Org fertilization system doesn’t make it possible to avoid the loss of organic C in arable typical chernozem. The organic fertilizer (cattle manure) is able to mitigate the negative consequences of long-term mineral fertilization.

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