2012 Volume 7, no.1
Author(s): L.V. Kireycheva, L.I. Moskovkina
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 115-118
Keywords: soil, detoxication, arsenium.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).20
Graphical Abstract: Arsenium being a hazardous substance is harmful for plants, animals and people. Having been applied to the soil arsenium is partly transformed as the result of interaction with the soil minerals. It may enter plants, animals as well as human body through the feed circuit. Nowadays issue of the anthropogenic impact diminishing as well as environmentally friendly farm production obtaining in the polluted soils becomes more and more urgent. Therefore development of soil detoxication techniques using natural sorbing materials is challenging and timely.
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Author(s): Violeta Ivanov
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 119-121
Keywords: climate change, water resources, freshwater, pollution, degradation.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).21
Graphical Abstract: The paper aims to analyze the current state of affairs with water resources in Moldova, the challenges it faces for its national human and economic development, having in mind that the water resources are quite limited in Moldova, which encounters pollution, degradation influenced by climate change and unwise human activity to their biodiversity and ecosystems, availability and accessibility. It also attempts to highlight the relationship between climate change and water resources in Moldova, which has adverse effects on both environment and people’s health, and raise significant hurdles to the international, regional and sectoral development.
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Author(s): Violeta Elena Copcia, Ion Sandu, Nicolae Bilba, Simona Dunca
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 122-123
Keywords: Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus, Clay, Silver, Silver Nanoparticles.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).22
Graphical Abstract: To guarantee the microbiological quality of the water, which is been affected by the pollution of the bacterium, is necessary to implement a tertiary drinking system in the resident houses. A possible complementary system is the utilization of clay for treatment of drinking water.
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Author(s): Duca Gh., Bogdevich O., Cadocinicov O., Porubin D.
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 41-46
Keywords: soil pollution, POPs, PAHs, pesticides.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).23
Graphical Abstract: The inventory of old pesticide storages in Moldova executed by Ministry of Environment and World Bank showed a large quantity of polluted sites (near 1500) remains after the repacking and evacuation project. This work was made first of all for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). More that 15 % sites were determined as extra high polluted territory with the POPs concentration in soil more 50,0 mg/kg. They include some of the world's most harmful chemicals including highly toxic pesticides such as HCH, DDT; industrial chemicals such as PCBs. The management of domestic and hazardous wastes is considered as one of the most urgent environmental problems in Moldova.
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Author(s): Bilanchyn Yaroslav, Rezvaya Svetlana, Medinets Sergiy, Pitsyk Vasiliy
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 129-132
Keywords: Odessa Region, black soils, humus content, ecological & agrochemical status.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).24
Graphical Abstract: Results of chemical processes’ dynamic studies of many years (1971-2011) in the soils of Odessa Region have been described. The most significant in the last 15-20 years have been changes of humus content and ecological & agrochemical status of black soils. In spite of some increase in the norm of fertilizers input for the last 5 years the negative balance of plant nutrition elements in soils is preserved. Ways of optimization of humus and ecological & agrochemical status of soils in the region and increase of their fertility have been proposed.
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Author(s): Tamara E. Romanova, Ludmila A. Belchenko, Olga V. Shuvaeva, Maria V. Kurbatova
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 133-139
Keywords: contamination, water purification, environmental analysis, bioaccumulation.
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Author(s): Andreea Stanila, Sorin Stanila
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 140-144
Keywords: biometals complexes, methionine, DSC, spectroscopies.
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Author(s): Natalia N. Gorinchoy and Isaac B. Bersuker
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 145-156
Keywords: Structure-activity relationships, Electron-conformational method, Toxicity screening and prediction, fragrance allergens.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).27
Graphical Abstract: The electron-conformational (EC) method is employed for the toxicophore (Tph) identification and quantitative prediction of toxicity using the training set of 24 compounds that are considered as fragrance allergens. The values of a=LD50 in oral exposure of rats were chosen as a measure of toxicity. EC parameters are evaluated on the base of conformational analysis and ab initio electronic structure calculations (including solvent influence). The Tph consists of four sites which in this series of compounds are represented by three carbon and one oxygen atoms, but may be any other atoms that have the same electronic and geometric features within the tolerance limits. The regression model taking into consideration the Tph flexibility, anti-Tph shielding, and influence of out-of-Tph functional groups predicts well the experimental values of toxicity (R2 = 0.93) with a reasonable leaveone- out cross-validation.
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Author(s): Nazarchuk G. І., Melnyk І. V., Zub Yu. L.
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 157-161
Keywords: silica spheres, modifi ed Stöber method, 3-mercaptopropyl groups.
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).28
Graphical Abstract: Spherical silica particles were synthesized by modified Stöber method using tetraethoxysilane and 3- mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTMS). It was shown that their size (500-760 nm) depends on the nature of the catalyst used in the prehydrolysis of MPTMS (at constant alkoxysilanes ratio). Elemental analysis, thermogravimetry and IR spectroscopy data indicate the presence of thiol groups (2.8 mmol/g) in the surface layer. It was established that obtained nanospherical silica particles can adsorb Ag(I) ions from their acidified aqueous solutions.
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Author(s): Cropotova Janna, Popel Svetlana
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.1
Pages: 162-163
Keywords: pollution, fish, mercury, fatty acids
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DOI: dx.doi.org/10.19261/cjm.2012.07(1).29
Graphical Abstract: Fish consumption is an important part of human diet due to essential omega-3 fatty acids found naturally in this product. Many researchers from all over the world found that high mercury concentrations in the body reduced the heart-protective effects of the fatty acids in fish oils. People shouldn't be constrained by choosing between the health hazards related to toxins caused by industrial pollution and the nutritional benefits provided by consummation of essential fatty acids contained in oily fish. It is very important to find an alternative natural source of essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA to restore an optimal ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the human diet.
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