Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Author(s): N. Secara, Gh. Duca, L. Vlad, F. Macaev
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.1
Pages: 29-44
Keywords: dihydroxyfumaric acid, fluorescent sensors, molecular clips, coordination polymers.
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Author(s): Aculina Aricu
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.1
Pages: 10-28
Keywords: synthesis, nitrogen-containing compounds, terpenoids, Beckmann rearrangement.
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Graphical Abstract: The presence of nitrogen in the molecule is usually accompanied either by the appearance of a new activity or the intensification of original activity characteristic for the native terpenoids. This maintains alive the scientific interest in the synthesis of such compounds. The present communication put into discussion the recently elaborated methods for preparation of the nitrogen-containing terpenic compounds.
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Author(s): Felix Shepel, Diana Shepel, Fliur Macaev
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 116-117
Keywords: derivatives of 5-oxindole, cardio-vascular remedies.
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Graphical Abstract: It has been conducted increase the yield up to 63% of ethyl 5-hydroxy-1,2-dimethyl-1
H-3-indolecarboxylate via interaction of
p-benzoquinone with N-methyl-
b-aminocrotone ether in mixture of glacial acetic acid/ethyl acetate.
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Author(s): Oleg Radul, Alexandru Gudima, Fliur Macaev
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 78-81
Keywords: chinchoninic acids, quinoline, pinonic acid, α-pinene.
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Graphical Abstract: New effective synthesis of the chiral chinchoninic acids form (-)-α-pinene has been elaborated. It has been shown that, the considerable increase of the yield and purity of chiral acids is achieved applying the method of under phase transfer catalysis. New effective synthesis
of the chiral chinchoninic acids form (-)-α-pinene has been elaborated
. It has been shown that, the considerable increase of the yield and purity of chiral acids is achieved applying the method of under phase transfer catalysis.
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Author(s): Stepan Shvets, Irina Nedova, Pavel Kintia, Carla Bassarelo, Cosimo Pizza and Sonia Piacente
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 72-77
Keywords: steroidal glycoside, NMR analysis, Solanum melongena L.
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Graphical Abstract: One new cholestane glycoside, six steroidal glycosides of spirostane series and one pregnane glycoside have been isolated from the roots of
Solanum melongena L. for the first time. Their structures were determined by physico-chemical methods.
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Author(s): Aculina Aricu
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 14-23
Keywords: drimenol, albicanol, drimenyl acetate, polygodial, warburganal, synthesis.
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Graphical Abstract: (-)-Drimenol is a relatively accessible compound, that has been and may be further used as a starting material to prepare sesquiterpenoids. The present review deals with the methods of obtaining of this compound as well as its usage.

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Author(s): Nicon Ungur, Marina Grinco, Veaceslav Kulciţki, Alic Barba, Tatiana Bîzîcci, Pavel F. Vlad
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2008 Volume 3, no.2
Pages: 105-108
Keywords: ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, ent-trachiloban-19-oic acid, diterpene, isolation.
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Graphical Abstract: A relatively simple method for isolation of the mixture of ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic (1) and ent-trachiloban-19-oic (2) acids from dry waste of sunflower processing has been elaborated, and it has been shown that the waste can serve as an accessible source of ent-kauranic and ent-trachilobanic diterpenoids.
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Author(s): Viorica Sargarovschi, Eugenia Styngach, Fliur Macaev
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2008 Volume 3, no.2
Pages: 95-97
Keywords: ionic liquids, organocatalyst, Biginelli reaction.
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Graphical Abstract: New ionic liquids bearing an imidazolium core with a carboxy group have been prepared in an attempt to design new organocatalysts of Biginelli reaction. Trends in the properties of these compounds are discussed. The synthetized compounds represented a novel class of molted salts and may be considered as new organocatalysts for chemical reaction.
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Author(s): Natalia Mashcenko, Pavel Kintia, Angela Gurev, Alexandra Marchenko, Carla Bassarello, Sonia Piacente, Cosimo Pizza
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2008 Volume 3, no.2
Pages: 98-100
Keywords: Linaria vulgaris Mill; fl avonol glycoside; linaroside V; NMR analysis.
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Graphical Abstract: A new flavonol glycoside, 5,4′-dimethylkaempferol 3-O-β-D-(6′′-α-Lrhamnopyranosyl) -glucopyranoside, together with three known compounds were isolated from the n-butanolic soluble fraction of underground and aerial parts of Linaria vulgaris Mill, collected on the territory of Moldova. The characterisation of these compounds was achieved by various chromatographic and spectroscopic methods (IR, UV, 13C-NMR, 1H-NMR and MS).
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Author(s): Alexandra Marchenko, Pavel Kintia, Natalia Mashcenco, Carla Bassarello, Sonia Piacente and Cosimo Pizza
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2008 Volume 3, no.2
Pages: 101-104
Keywords: Veronica chamaedrys L., Scrophulariaceae, phenylethanoid glycoside, iridoid glycoside.
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Graphical Abstract: Three phenylethanoid glycosides (1, 2, 3) and one iridoid glycoside (4) were isolated from aerial parts of Veronica chamaedrys L. (Scrophulariaceae) for the first time. On the basis of spectral analysis, the structures of these compounds were determined to be acteoside (3,4-dihydroxy-β-phenylethoxy-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→3)-4-O-caffeoyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) (1), ehrenoside (3,4-dihydroxy-β-phenylethoxy-O-α-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1→2)-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→3)-4-O-caffeoyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) (2), chamaedroside (3,4-dihydroxy-β-phenylethoxy-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→3)-4-O-caffeoyl-α-L-arabinopyranoside) (3) and aucuboside (4).
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