Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Author(s): Alexandru Ciocarlan, Ion Dragalin, Aculina Aricu, Lucian Lupascu, Nina Ciocarlan, Violeta Popescu
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.2
Pages: 63-68
Keywords: Levisticum officinale, essential oil, GC-MS analysis, antibacterial activity, antifungal activity.
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Graphical Abstract: The chemical composition of industrially obtained
Levisticum officinale W.D.J. Koch (lovage) essential oil of Moldovan origin was analysed by means of chromatographic (GC-MS) and spectral (IR, 1H and 13C NMR) methods. The obtained results show that the main components of
L. officinale essential oil are monoterpenic hydrocarbons which make up to 53.50% of the total number of components.
L. officinale essential oil is also characterized by a high content of oxygenated monoterpenes (alcohols, cetones and esters), which reaches up to 33.60%. For the first time the presence of 6-butyl-cyclohepta-1,4-diene (0.56%) and 7-formyl-4-methyl-cumarine (0.15%) in lovage essential oil is reported. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of mentioned oil were evaluated in vitro on five strains of microorganisms. It was found that lovage volatile oil (
L .officinale) exhibits high antibacterial and antifungal properties in the range of concentrations 0.015-0.030%.
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Author(s): Benalia Yabrir
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.2
Pages: 8-23
Keywords: Marrubium specie, essential oil, chemical composition, antioxidant activity, antimicrobial activity.
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Graphical Abstract: This paper reviews information on essential oil of
Marrubium species (except
M. vulgare) described until now regarding extraction, chemical composition and biological activities.
Marrubium essential oils, although quantitatively poor, are rich in chemical composition. This composition consists especially of sesquiterpenoids and a little amount of monoterpenes. It varies from one species to another, sometimes within same species.
Marrubium essential oils exhibit antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. However, because the lack of literature concerning essential oil of these species, further studies are necessary, particularly regarding their activities.
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Author(s): Alexandru Ciocarlan, Ion Dragalin, Aculina Aricu, Nina Ciocarlan, Cristina Stavarache, Mariana Deleanu
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.1
Pages: 63-68
Keywords: Silybum marianum fatty oil, GC analysis, fatty acids methyl ester, RP-HPLC analysis, α-tocopherol.
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Graphical Abstract: The present paper describes biochemical (fatty oil) composition of Silybummarianum (L.) Gaertn. of Moldovan origin. The oil content of the seeds was approximately 25%. Linoleic acid (C18:2), an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid, is the most abundant (48.88%), followed by monounsaturated oleic acid (C18:1, 31.94%) and saturated palmitic acid (C16:0, 7.61%). The RP-HPLC analysis of tocopherols composition, showed as main components α-tocopherol (23.45 mg/100g) and γ–tocopherol (5.60 mg/100g). Based on the obtained results, it was shown that the extracted oil from milk thistle seeds is rich in essential fatty acids (about 50%) and tocopherols (29.09 mg/100g) and it can be used in food preparation.
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Author(s): Nassiba Fekhar, Hocine Boutoumi, Mohamed Krea, Saâd Moulay, Drioueche Asma, Zoubir Benmaamar
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.2
Pages: 50-57
Keywords: essential oil, thionation, Artemisia herba-alba L., Ruta montana L., GC-MS analysis.
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Graphical Abstract: Essential oils were extracted from Artemisia herba-alba L. and Ruta montana L. by means of steam distillation and thionated with a reagent combination of phosphorus pentasulfide and sodium bicarbonate. Both parent essential oils and their modified ones were screened for their biological and insecticidal activities. The results showed that essential oils were composed mainly of ketones; essential oils from Artemisia herba-alba L. and those from Ruta montana L. consisted of bicyclic monoterpenes and acyclic aliphatic ketones (thujone, camphor and 2-undecanone), respectively. The antimicrobial activity of essential oils was substantially improved upon thionation (from 10 to 34 mm and from 11 to 32 mm). The insecticidal effect of the thionated essential oil from Ruta montana L. was observed to be very significant, but that of the essential oil from Artemisia herba-alba L. was observed to decrease (from 100% to 70% after 24 hrs. The extracted essential oils as well as their thionated forms were characterized by GC-MS, FT-IR, and UV-visible.
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Author(s): Ion Dragalin, Aculina Aricu, Nina Ciocarlan, Alexandru Ciocarlan, Victoria Codita
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 105-108
Keywords: Satureja subspicata L., essential oil, chemical profile, GC-MS analysis.
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Graphical Abstract: For the first time the results of GC-MS analysis of Satureja subspicata L. oil of Moldovan origin are reported. The chemical profile includes forty-four constituents and consists mostly (97.86%) of phenolic monoterpenes, monoterpene hydrocarbons, bicyclic sesquiterpenes and their oxygenated derivatives. A substantial quantitative and qualitative chemical differentiation of S. subspicata oil of Moldovan origin and reported oil of Croatian origin were found. The essential oil of S. subspicata L. plants cultivated in Republic of Moldova belongs to the carvacrol chemotype.

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Author(s): Elena Secara
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.1
Pages: 50-54
Keywords: drimane, homodrimane, lactam, ketoxime, synthesis, Beckmann rearrangement.
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Author(s): Ion Dragalin, Olga Morarescu, Maria Sedcenco, Radu Marin Rosca
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2015 Volume 10, no.2
Pages: 54-57
Keywords: fatty acid methyl esters, GC-MS analysis, linoleic acid (Z,Z), oleic acid (Z), Japanese quail fat.
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Graphical Abstract: The accumulated as production waste fat from Faraon quail breeds has been investigated for the first time by using GC-MS technique, preventively converting it via methanolysis to fatty acid methyl esters. The test results, regarding the content of unsaturated fatty acids having a favorable to human body cis-configuration (77.8%), confirm their nutritional value and the possibility of using this fat in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.
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Author(s): Lidia Lungu
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2015 Volume 10, no.2
Pages: 58-61
Keywords: synthesis, sesquiterpenoids, oxime, reduction, 7-amino-drim-8(9)-ene.
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Graphical Abstract: The synthesis of new nitrogen-containing drimane and homodrimane sesquiterpenoids in cycle B is reported. A comparative study of the microwave (MW) assisted synthesis of drimenone versus classical conditions has been done. The drimanic and homodrimanic oximes were prepared on the base of ketones derived from commercially available sclareolide. The drimanic amine was obtained by reduction of corresponding oxime with LiAlH4. The structure of novel compounds was confirmed using IR, 1H and 13C NMR analyses.
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Author(s): Olga Morarescu
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Review
Issue: 2015 Volume 10, no.1
Pages: 9-19
Keywords: diterpenes, ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, synthesis, biological activity.
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Graphical Abstract: This review presents a synthetic transformations of ent-kaurane diterpenes, covering various aspects of the chemical and microbiologically transformations of native ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, namely, its reactions via COOH groups, double bonds and rearrangements of the carbon skeleton, what we offer a wide range of natural and synthetic derivatives potentially biologically actives and convenient synthon for their synthesis.

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Author(s): Natalia Mashcenko, Angela Gurev, Galina Lupascu, Elena Gorincioi
Field: Natural product chemistry and synthesis
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2015 Volume 10, no.1
Pages: 57-63
Keywords: Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill., iridoid glycosides, bioactivity, 5-O-allosylantirrinoside, NMR, molecular modelling.
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Graphical Abstract: The paper relates on the discovered bioactivity of the iridoid glycosides extract (IGE) from Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill, namely its stimulating influence on the resistance of the winter wheat Odesschi 51 plant to the caused by the F. oxysporum and H. avenae pathogenic fungi root rot. 1H and 13C NMR characteristics of 5-O-allosylantirrinoside in Py-d5 are for the first time presented. Structures of two conformers of the IGE main component, 5-O-allosylantirrinoside in D2O and Py-d5 solutions are proposed, based on the experimental NMR evidence and molecular modeling studies.

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