Chemistry Journal of Moldova

Physical chemistry and chemical physics


Vasilii Gutsanu, Constantin Turta, George Filoti

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 73-82
Keywords: ion exchangers, Mossbauer spectra, iron, superparamagnetic, complexes, polymer phase.
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Using the Mossbauer spectroscopy and other physical methods it was demonstrated the presence of different iron compounds like β-FeOOH, α-Fe2O3, and jarosite mineral type compounds: (R4N,H3O)[Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2] or coordination modes: {RCOO-Fe(L4)-OOCR}1+, {R-CO2=Fe(X2)=O2C-R}n, {R-COO-Fe(X4)-OOC-R}n, and {(-NCH2CH2N-)= Fe(X2) =(-NCH2CH2N-)}, where X= H2O, OH-, SO42-., n= from 3- to 1+ in the ion-exchange resins (KU-2, AN-31, AV-17, Varian – AD, EDE-10P) after the contact with sulphate of iron(III) solutions at different conditions: type of solvent, temperature, air atmosphere. In special conditions the ultrafine superparamagnetic particles of Fe2O3 have been obtained.

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Secara Natalia

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 83-87
Keywords: DPPH; antioxidant activity; stoichiometry; stopped-flow; kinetics; dihydroxyfumaric acid.
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 The reaction of dihydroxyfumaric acid with the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) was studied using the stopped-flow method, in order to describe the reaction kinetics. Dihydroxyfumaric acid reacts very rapidly with DPPH, the reaction being completed in several minutes. This 2-stoichiometric reaction proceeds in two stages, with reaction orders of 1 and 0.76 with respect to DPPH, and 0.5 and 0.3 with respect to DHF, respectively. The rate constant of the two stages of the reaction were found to be 39.1 (L/mol•s) and 0.0012 (s-1) at 20º C and pH 4.0.

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Iolanta I. Balan, Natalia N. Gorinchoy

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 84-90
Keywords: white phosphorus, triphos, rhodium trihydride complex, ab initio calculations.
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 The four-stage mechanism of reaction of the rhodium trihydride complex [(triphos)RhH3] (triphos=1,1,1-tris(diphenylphosphanylmethyl)ethane) with the white phosphorus molecule resulting in the phosphane and the cyclo-P3 complex [(triphos)M(η3-P3] is analyzed on the basis of ab initio calculations of reactants, products, and intermediate complexes of reaction. It is shown that generation of the transient complex  [(triphos)RhH(η1:η1-P4)] followed by intramolecular hydrogen atom migration from the metal to one of the phosphorus atoms is the energetically favourable process. Calculations also show that P4 molecule is activated by coordination to the above complex: the metal-bonded P-P edge is broken, and the tetrahedron P4 is opened to form the butterfly geometry. This activation is realized mainly due to the one-orbital back donation of 4d-electron density from the atom of Rh to the unoccupied antibonding triple degenerate t1*-MO of P4.

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Ion Dranca, Igor Povar and Tudor Lupascu

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 91-95
Keywords: DSC –differential scanning calorimetry; DMA –dynamic mechanical analysis; drugs; excipients; glass transition; α- and β –relaxations; crystallization; kinetics.
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 This research has been carried out in order to demonstrate the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in detecting and measuring α- and β-relaxation processes in amorphous pharmaceutical systems. DSC has been employed to study amorphous samples of poly (vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), indomethacin (InM), and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDA) that are annealed at temperature (Ta) around 0.8 of their glass transition temperature (Tg). Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is used to measure β- relaxation in PVP. Yet, the DSC has been used to study the glassy indomethacin aged at 0 and -10 oC for periods of time up to 109 and 210 days respectively. The results demonstrate the emergence of a small melting peak of the α-polymorph after aging for 69 days at 0°C and for 147 days at -10°C (i.e., ~55°C below the glass transition temperature) that provides evidence of nucleation occurring in the temperature region of the β-relaxation.

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Ion Dranca, Tudor Lupascu

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 105-115
Keywords: molecular mobility; excipients (sucrose & trehalose); α- and β-relaxations; activation energy; DSC & TM DSC.
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 The paper explores the use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry (TM DSC) to study α- and β- processes in amorphous sucrose and trehalose. The real part of the complex heat capacity is evaluated at the frequencies, f, from 5 to 20mHz. β-relaxations were studied by annealing glassy samples at different temperatures and subsequently heating at different rates in a differential scanning calorimeter.

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N. N. Gorinchoy, B. Dobrova, M. Yu. Gorbachev, G. Munteanu, and I. Ya. Ogurtsov

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.1
Pages: 123-128
Keywords: chemical activation, quantum-chemical calculations, DFT method.
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 The present work is devoted to the theoretical study of the activation of the acetylene molecule coordinated in the [Pt(PPh3)2C2H2] complex. By means of DFT calculations it is shown that the geometrical and electronic characteristics of the C2H2 are essentially changed due to its coordination. The subsequent detailed analysis of the molecular orbitals (MO) of the active valence zone of this complex allows one to make important conclusion that this activation is being realized mainly due to the orbital back donation of 5d-electronic density from one of the occupied MOs of the complex [Pt(PPh3)2] to the unoccupied antibonding π*-MO of C2H2.

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Alexandru Cecal, Tudor Lupascu, Oana Roxana Hauta, Ioana Gorodea, Mircea Palamaru, Alexandra Raluca Iordan , Ada Macovei

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.1
Pages: 118-122
Keywords: catalytic effect, double perovskites, hydrogen production, water radiolysis.
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 This paper deals with a study of water splitting by gamma rays in the presence of some double perovskites A2MM’O6 and also Sr2Fe1-xTa1+xO6. The irradiation is performed using 60Co as a source with 3·104 Ci activity and 8.3 kGy/h dose rate, which simulated the radioactive wastes, resulted from reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel elements much more active: 108-109 Ci. The stable products of radiolysis, as well as the other chemical species are measured by mass spectrometry. The calculated radiation yield (GH2) generally decreases in the order: Sr2Fe1-xTa1+xO6 (x=0.5; 0.4; 0.3; 0.1) > Ca2AlTaO6 > Sr2AlTaO6 > Ba2AlTaO6, under the given experimental conditions; the yield was higher in the presence of these catalysts than in their absence.

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O. I. Gona, N. V. Stolyarchuk, Yu. L. Zub, and N. A. Yaroshenko

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.1
Pages: 111-117
Keywords: mesoporous silicas, bitemplate synthesis, thiourea functional group.
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 Mesoporous silicas with the thiourea functional group ≡Si(CH2)3NHC(S)NHC2H5 have been synthesized by monotemplate and bitemplate route (bitemplate is cetylpyridinium chloride as micelle-forming surfactant and monoethanolamide of saturated n-aliphatic acid as non-micelle-forming surfactant). The infl uence of a number of factors on mesoporous silicas structure has been studied: alkoxysilanes and surfactants concentration, and as well as the nature of medium in hydrothermal treatment of mesophases. The optimum conditions under which functionalized mesoporous silicas have possessing highly ordered hexagonal structure have been found. The surface area of mesoporous silicas synthesized using optimum bitemplate solubilization composition reaches 1055-1350 m2/g and sorption volume and pore diameter are 0.75-0.95 cm3/g and 2.5-2.9 nm respectively.

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Moisey I. Belinsky

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.1
Pages: 103-110
Keywords: inelastic neutron scattering, EPR transitions, V3 and Cu3 nanomagnets.
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 The inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and EPR transitions are considered for the spin-frustrated V3 and Cu3 nanomagnets. It is shown that the DM exchange and distortions determine the Q-dependence and redistribution of the intensities of the intra- and inter-doublet INS transitions in the 2(S=1/2) states as well as the intensities of the EPR transitions. The peculiarities of the INS and EPR spectra of the V3 ring of V15 quantum molecular magnet and EPR spectra of the V3 and Cu3 nanomagnets are described by the isosceles Heisenberg model with the DM exchange. Spin chirality and spin structure of the Cu3 and V3 nanomagnets with the Dzialoshinsky-Moriya (DM) exchange interaction are analysed in the vector and scalar spin chirality models. The vector chirality model describes the field, orientation and deformation dependence of the spin chirality κn. The spin chirality is formed by the DM interaction and depends on the sign of the DM parameter Gz. The DM exchange and distortions determine the degree of chirality κn<1 in the isosceles clusters.

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Tihonovschi Andrei

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2008 Volume 3, no.2
Pages: 114-118
Keywords: iron complexes, bipyrimidine complexes, magnetic properties, ab initio study.
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 In present work we study two possible single-center units for binuclear iron complex Fe2(bpym)3Cl4 –[Fe(bpym)3]2+ and Fe(bpym)2Cl2. The obtained ground states for both studied systems are singlet states. In the case of Fe(bpym)2Cl2 the lowest excited states were calculated to be 240cm-1 (triplet) and 660cm-1 (quintet) above the ground state and so are placed according to Lande rule. These states could be populated at room temperatures. For [Fe(bpym)3]2+ first excited state was found to be about 6000cm-1 above the ground state and so cannot be populated at normal temperatures.

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