Chemistry Journal of Moldova

Physical chemistry and chemical physics


Nadiia Roik, Lyudmila Belyakova, Marina Dziazko, Iryna Trofymchuk

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.2
Pages: 87-101
Keywords: mesoporous silica, β-cyclodextrin, chemical immobilization, methyl red, sorption
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Abstract (PDF)
Graphical Abstract: MCM-41-type silicas were obtained by template-assisted condensation of TEOS and β-CD-silanes. Removal of methyl red from phosphate buffer solutions as a function of pH and dye equilibrium concentration. Introduction of cyclic oligosaccharide in silica surface layer leads to the ecnhancement of sorption effieciency towards methyl red.

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Oksana Dudarko *, Yuriy Zub

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.2
Pages: 79-86
Keywords: SBA-15, phosphonic group, organosilica, characterization.
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Graphical Abstract: The direct template method was used for the synthesis of mesoporous organosilica sorbents of SBA-15 type with phosphonic acid groups using sodium metasilicate (SS) as a source of silica. The presence of functional groups in the synthesized samples was confirmed by IR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. This approach allowed producing relatively cheap materials with ordered structure, developed specific surface (550-700 m2/g) and high sorption volume (0.74-0.81 cm3/g). The optimal sodium metasilicate (SS):diphosphoethyltriethoxysilane (DPTS) ratio for the synthesis of SBA-15 type organosilicas with phosphonic acid residues was found to be 10:2.


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Emre Topal, Gökhan Gece

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.2
Pages: 64-70
Keywords: corrosion inhibitor, silver, aliphatic amines, density functional theory.
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Graphical Abstract: The topic of corrosion inhibition of different metals by organic compounds has been the focus of intense scrutiny for decades. The enormity of the problem is reflected in the need to understand the underlying inhibition mechanisms of such compounds, one of which is the class of aliphatic amines. Electrochemical measurements represent protective effect of these compounds at ever-increasing levels of detail but these methods lack the resolution to represent inhibition efficiency-molecular structure relations adequately. In this study, the dependence of the inhibition effect of four aliphatic amines (methylamine, ethylamine, n-propylamine, and n-butylamine), on their molecular and electronic structure is analyzed using quantum chemical calculations. The obtained results of these calculations were found to be consistent with the experimental findings.


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Andreea-Floriana Enache, Mircea Laurentiu Dan, Nicolae Vaszilcsin

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.1
Pages: 102-109
Keywords: sulphite anodic oxidation, smooth nickel, platinum nanoparticles, chrono-electrochemical methods.
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Abstract (PDF)
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 In this paper, anodic oxidation of sulphite ions on smooth nickel based 6 layers platinum nanoparticles electrode in aqueous alkaline solution was investigated in order to clarify the oxidation mechanism and to find optimal parameters for sulphite oxidation process, by applying various electrochemical methods of analysis.

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Vladimer Tsitsishvili, Nanuli Dolaberidze, Spartak Urotadze, Maia Alelishvili, Nato Mirdzveli, Manana Nijaradze

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.1
Pages: 95-101
Keywords: ion exchange, analcime, phillipsite, scolecite
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Graphical Abstract:
 Ion-exchange properties of natural zeolites of Georgia with a relatively low Si/Al ratio have been studied: analcimes are characterized  by selectivity series: Na+>K+>Ag+>NH4+>Ca+2>Sr+2>Li+; for phillipsites selectivity sequences are different for calcium- and potassium forms; selectivity sequence for scolecite is: Sr+2>Ba+2>Rb+>Ca+2>Cs+>K+>NH4+>Na+>Mg+2>Li+>Cd+2>Cu+2> Mn+2> Zn+2>Co+2>Ni+2.


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Saeid Taghavi Fardood, Ali Ramazani, Sajjad Moradi

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.1
Pages: 115-118
Keywords: NiO, Arabic gum, biosynthesis, sol-gel, nanoparticles.
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Graphical Abstract: Present work involves synthesis of NiO nanoparticles using Arabic gum by the sol-gel method. The synthesized NiO nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). It was shown that the synthesized NiO nanoparticles of cubic phase have a spherical shape and an average size of 34 nm.


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Delia-Andrada Duca, Mircea Laurentiu Dan, Nicolae Vaszilcsin

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.1
Pages: 87-94
Keywords: expired Cefort® drug, electroplating additive, nickel electrodeposition, Watts bath.
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This paper demonstrates the possibility to use ceftriaxone (CEFTR) active compound from expired Cefort®as additive in nickel electrodeposition from Watts baths. Electrochemical behaviour and the influence of CEFTR on nickel electroplating were studied by electrochemical methods. Experimental data recommends CEFTR as additive in nickel electroplating from Watts baths.

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Nicolay Davidenko, Irina Davidenko, Nicolay Kuranda, Elena Mokrinskaya, Valeriy Pavlov, Viacheslav Solntsev, Sergey Studzinsky, Vladimir Syromyatnikov, Vitaliy Tarasenko, Nicolay Chuprina

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2017 Volume 12, no.2
Pages: 58-63
Keywords: azobenzene polymer, optical anisotropy, polarization holography, thermoplastic property, surface relief.
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Graphical Abstract: Growth of the diffraction efficiency and recording velocity was found in the films of copolymers 4-((2- nitrophenyl) diazeniyl)phenylmethacrylate) with octylmethacrylate at room temperature holographic recording for copolymer with less softening temperature. Effect of strengthening of the diffraction efficiency was observed when charging surface of the films with recorded hologram in crown discharge.

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Dalila Badis, Zoubir Benmaamar, Othmane Benkortbi, Houcine Boutoumi, Houria Hamitouche, Amele Aggoun

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 74-83
Keywords: Retama raetam, methylene blue, removal, modelling, adsorption.
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Graphical Abstract: The feasibility of using Retama raetam, for the cationic dye (methylene blue) adsorption from simulated aqueous solution, has been investigated as a low cost and an eco-friendly adsorbent. The methylene blue maximum adsorption occurred at pH 8 and the lowest adsorption occurred at pH 2. The apparent equilibrium was reached after 120 min. Adsorption modelling parameters for Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were determined and, based on R2, various error distribution functions.

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Keivan Akhtari, Keyumars Hassanzadeh, Bahareh Fakhraei, Ghazal Akhtari

Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2016 Volume 11, no.2
Pages: 84-92
Keywords: second-harmonic generation, FDDNP, near-infrared, QTAIM.
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Graphical Abstract: In this study, we have shown that FDDNP as a functional fluorescent biomarker has high performance in near-infrared region. The best predicted working wavelength belongs to Ti:sapphire laser (880 nm). The employed near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths reduce scattering and maximize tissue penetration.


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