Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Author(s): Yuri Mirgorod, Alexander Chekadanov, Tatiana Dolenko
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2019 Volume 14, no.1
Pages: 107-119
Keywords: sodium dodecyl sulphate, micelle structure, small-angle X-ray scattering, wide-angle X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering.
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Abstract (PDF)
Graphical Abstract: Aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulphate were investigated using X-ray scattering technique by a model-independent approach and dynamic light scattering in the concentration range 0.008 – 0.1 M. The obtained results are discussed in the framework of the concept of polyamorphous transition between ensembles of water clusters of low and high density levels. Polyamorphous transition accompanies the formation of dual structures of contact and separated by water micelles with different rates of diffusion.

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Author(s): Ion Arsene, Natalia Gorinchioy
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2019 Volume 14, no.1
Pages: 88-97
Keywords: Fenton reaction, H2O2 decomposition, DFT calculations
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Abstract (PDF)
Graphical Abstract: The reaction cycle of H
2 decomposition and O
2 generation catalyzed by Fenton reagent was studied using density functional theory calculations. A four-stage mechanism for the oxygen production and the Fe
2+ regeneration in the Fenton reaction is proposed based on the obtained results. It is shown that the O-O bond cleavage of coordinated H2O2at the first step of reaction does not lead to a free HO
● radical. Instead, a highly reactive intermediate [Fe
2+ with two HO
● radicals “trapped” in the complex is formed. The result of the next two reaction steps is the formation of the two HO
2● radicals which can react on the triplet energy surface in order to produce O
2 and a H
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Author(s): Viktoria Vorobyova, Margarita Skіba
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2019 Volume 14, no.1
Pages: 77-87
Keywords: apricot cake extract, self-assembled layer, green corrosion inhibitor, steel, organic coating.
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Graphical Abstract: The protection performance of self-assembled layers (SALs) formed by apricot cake extract (ACE) on the surface of steel has been studied. It was revealed that the protection ability of the SALs is determined by the time of film formation on the steel surface. The maximal corrosion inhibition efficiency (about 93%) was obtained after 48 h process of film formation in the vapour phase of the apricot cake extract. The results of the electrochemical analysis revealed that the ACE modified steel showed better corrosion protection in conditions of periodic condensation of moisture.
protection in conditions of periodic condensation of moisture.
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Author(s): Kahina Hamza, Abdelkader Touati, Ahmed Ait-Yahia, Michel Baltas, Christiane André Barres, Saâd Moulay
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.2
Pages: 82-88
Keywords: acrylonitrile, cycloaddition, isoxazolidine, microemulsion, nitrone.
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Graphical Abstract: The present work provides an insight into the effect of the nature of surfactant (cationic, anionic), a component of water- and oil-borne microemulsions, on the reaction rate of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of
N-diphenylnitrone with acrylonitrile. The electrostatically attractive character of the cationic surfactant, would bring the reactants closer to each other; hence, a rate enhancement would ensue, particularly within the water-rich zone. Besides the fact that acrylonitrile played a dual role, as a component of the microemulsion and a dipolarphile in the cycloaddition reaction, made the work-up advantageously sound. Additionally, the increase in reagents molar ratio was found to promote higher reactivity.
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Author(s): Yudi Wicaksono, Dwi Setyawan, Siswandono Siswandono
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.2
Pages: 74-81
Keywords: ketoprofen, multicomponent crystallization, solvent evaporation, solubility, dissolution rate.
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Graphical Abstract: The study was aimed at increasing solubility and dissolution rate of ketoprofen by using multicomponent crystallization approach with nicotinamide as additional material. The multicomponent crystallization was carried out by solvent evaporation method using 2-propanol as solvent. The solubility and dissolution test showed that the ketoprofen-nicotinamide multicomponent crystal has solubility and dissolution rate significantly higher than the solubility and dissolution rate of the pure ketoprofen.
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Author(s): Gheorghe Duca, Mihai Ciobanu, Tudor Lupascu, Igor Povar
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.2
Pages: 69-73
Keywords: activated carbon, adsorption heat, entropy, exothermic process, strontium ion.
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Graphical Abstract: The adsorption of strontium ions from aqueous solutions on nut shells activated carbons (samples CAN-7 and CAN-8) at different temperatures has been studied. The isotherm of adsorption of strontium ions from aqueous solutions on activated carbon CAN-7 has two inflection points at relatively small and high equilibrium concentrations. As the temperature increases, the adsorption values decrease, which indicates that the adsorption process is exothermic.
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Author(s): Oksana Stavinskaya, Iryna Laguta, Olga Kazakova, Pavlo Kuzema, Tudor Lupascu
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.2
Pages: 89-92
Keywords: Enoxil, biomolecule, fumed silica, composite, hygroscopicity.
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Abstract (PDF)
Graphical Abstract: Enoxil-silica composites with various Enoxil-to-silica ratios were prepared by mechanical mixing of the biologically active Enoxil and fumed silica powders. The hygroscopic properties of the composites were studied by the gravimetric method. . It was found that hygroscopicity is reduced by 30÷40% when the Enoxil-to-silica mass ratio in the composites is 0.15÷0.35.
Holding time in desiccators: 92 (1), 141 (2) and 365 (3) days.
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Author(s): Iurie Ungureanu, Gheorghe Duca, Ionel Humelnicu,
Gelu Bourceanu
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.1
Pages: 103-110
Keywords: Dushman reaction, cerium ion, manganese ion, iodine specie.
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Graphical Abstract: This contribution presents investigations into possible effects of Ce
3+ and Mn
2+ on the reduction of UV-spectral signal for I
3- observed
e.g. in the Dushman reaction. The potential of the metal ions to form complexes with iodine-containing species was analysed. It was shown that no complex ions are formed between Ce
3+ and Mn
2+ metals ions with IO
3-, I
-, I
2 species. Only the formation of a very weak CeI
32+ complex ion was found to occur. An effect of a complex formation on the studied systems could be excluded.
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Author(s): Is Fatimah, Nurul Indriani
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.1
Pages: 95-102
Keywords: silver nanoparticle, green synthesis, Lantana camara, microwave, ultrasound.
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Graphical Abstract: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using Lantana camara yellow flower extract via microwave irradiation and ultrasound methods was conducted. The research was aimed at evaluating the effect of the synthesis method and also the time of treatment during synthesis on the particle size and antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the AgNPs. Analysis of the nanoparticles was performed using UV-Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscope (TEM), particle size analyzer, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The present results support the advantages of plant extract and the green method for the production of nanoparticles for further potential applications.

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Author(s): Volodymyr Turov, Viktor Bogatyrev, Tatiana Krupska, Mariia Galaburda, Tudor Lupascu, Igor Povar, Natalia Kokosha
Field: Physical chemistry and chemical physics
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2018 Volume 13, no.1
Pages: 87-94
Keywords: cluster, Enoxil, 1H NMR spectroscopy, polyacrylamide gel, polymer linkage.
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Graphical Abstract: The state of water in a polyacrylamide (PPA) gel has been studied by the 1H NMR spectroscopy. It is shown that the PAA gel can serve as a container for prolonged retention of the Enoxil preparation without changing its chemical composition. At the same time, the molecular structures of Enoxil bind strongly to polymer chains, probably due to the formation of hydrogen-bound complexes with amino and imino groups.
1 - initial dry PAA, 2 - hydrogel PAA,
3 - hydrogel PAA-Enoxil
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