Chemistry Journal of Moldova

Ecological chemistry


Inga Zinicovscaia

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 32-38
Keywords: nanotechnology, bacteria, microalga, nanoparticles, silver, gold.
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 A critical need in the field of nanotechnology is the development of a reliable and eco-friendly process for synthesis of metallic nanoparticles. A number of different organisms, including bacteria, microalgae, yeast and fungi, have shown their ability to produce metal nanoparticles. But they have some drawbacks in providing better control over size distribution, shape and crystallinity. This review article presents an overview of microorganisms (bacteria and microalga) capable of producing silver and gold nanoparticles. This article is an extended abstract of a communication presented at the Conference Ecological Chemistry 2012.

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Inga Zinicovscaia

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 27-31
Keywords: chromium, biosorption, bacteria, microalgae, fungi.
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 Due to its widespread industrial use, chromium has become a serious pollutant in diverse environmental settings. The main source of chromium pollution including the Republic o Moldova is industry. It is a great need to develop new eco-friendly methods of chromium removal. Biosorption of heavy metals is a most promising technology involved in the removal of toxic metals from industrial waste streams and natural waters.
This article is an extended abstract of a communication presented at the Conference Ecological Chemistry 2012.

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T. L. Kalabegishvili, I. Murusidze, D. T. Pataraya, E. Ginturi, M. V. Frontasyeva, E. I. Kirkesali, Gh. Duca, I. Zinicovscaia

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.1
Pages: 6-9
Keywords: Langmuir-Freundlich model, Arthrobacter globiformis, Spirulina platensis, biosorption, mercury, neutron activation analysis.
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 The increasing contamination of soil, sediment, and water with heavy metals by natural and industrial processes is a worldwide problem. Many bacteria and microalgae have demonstrated ability to absorb toxic elements. To study mercury biosorption by bacteria Arthrobacter globiformis and microalga Spirulina platensis neutron activation analysis (NAA) was applied. The process of mercury biosorption by these media was described by Freundlich and Langmuir-Freundlich Model. Both microorganisms showed a great potential to be used as biosorbing agents for mercury removal from the environment.

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Angela Lis, Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi, Nelli Goreaceva

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 30-36
Keywords: buffering capacity, acid-base balance, carbon system, humic system, stability to acidification.
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The current work represents the estimation of the buffering capacity on the Dniester River waters and its tributaries between November 2008 and October 2009.

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T. Lupaşcu, M. Ciobanu, V. Boţan, A. Nistor

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 37-40
Keywords: catalytic oxidation, methylene blue, activated carbon.
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The intact activated carbon CAN-8, obtained from nutshells by activation with water vapours, in the presence of oxygen and at relatively low temperatures, possesses catalytic activity, caused by the presence of alkaline functional groups on its surface, as well as by the formation, in these experimental conditions, of the OH radical, which has a high oxidation potential. After 25 cycles of the process of methylene blue oxidation, the data of chromatographic analyses indicate the presence of three organic components in the solution.

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Duca Gh., Bogdevich O., Cadocinicov O., Porubin D.

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.2
Pages: 41-46
Keywords: soil pollution, POPs, pesticides.
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The old pesticide storages in Moldova showed a large quantity of polluted sites. The inventory of POPs polluted sites showed a huge number of extra high polluted sites (more 50,0 mg/kg) which need the first place a remediation or other action to eliminate direct contact with people and animals. The pollution spectrum of POPs is a complex and consists of five groups: DDTs isomers, HCHs isomers, Toxaphene mixture, Chlordane and Heptachlor. The principal groups among these substances are DDTs and HCHs isomers.

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Elena Mosanu, P. Spataru, T. Lupascu, Maria Sandu, Tatiana Goreacioc, A. Tarita

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.1
Pages: 78-83
Keywords: biochemical oxidation, ammonia ions, nitrification, small rivers.
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Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, via nitrite and it occupies a central position within the global nitrogen cycle. Nitrifying bacteria are the organisms capable of converting the most reduced form of nitrogen, ammonia, to the most oxidized form, nitrate, but their activity is influenced by pollution level. Starting with the assumption that pollution of small internal water courses in the Republic of Moldova remained severe (phenols, detergents and copper regularly exceed the MACs) the work presented in the paper discusses the evolution of ammonia ions nitrification in the water of river Prut tributaries and its correlation with the content of pollutants in water: surface-active substances, Cu, BOD5, COD and other compounds.

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M. Sandu, E. Mosanu, V. Gladchi, A. Tarită, Gh. Duca, P. Spataru, T. Lupascu, E. Sergentu, R. Lozan, V. Jabin, S. Turcan

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2010 Volume 5, no.1
Pages: 84-89
Keywords: Spring, Groundwater, Water quality, Magnitude discharge, Water Types, Irrigation coefficients, Correlation coefficient.
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 As sources of water supply in the Republic of Moldova underground waters constitute 15,2% (bore holes, springs and wells). The present work includes water quality investigations and aims to reveal local sources in river Nistru hydrographic basin (Rezina district) for drinking water provision in villages. Chemical composition of investigated spring’s water shows that in Rezina district 19% of springs are polluted with nitrogen compounds. Water of only 9% of springs is in conformity with the standard for drinking water. Water from 102 springs meets the requirements of irrigation that doesn’t present the risk of soil salinization (K > 18) – 1 383 L/min.

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V. Rusu, L. Postolachi, A. Maftuleac, T. Lupascu

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2012 Volume 7, no.2
Pages: 78-83
Keywords: bottom sediments, interstitial water, and phosphorus forms.
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Tamara Leah, Zoia Lozovaia

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 53-57
Keywords: gamma-spectrometry, total potassium, 40 K, conversion coefficient, chernozems, podzolic soils.
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It was proved the possibility of determination the total potassium in soils by gamma-spectroscopic method with subsequent calculation of total potassium content in according to value of 40K isotope (expressed in Becquerel, Bq), using the formula:
К2О, % = С . А, where: C – conversion coefficient, A – activity of isotope 40K in soil, Bq/kg. Conversion coefficient for chernozems of Moldova – C=0,00337.

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