Ecological chemistry
Author(s): Alexandr Kоshev, Оlga Covaliova, Valery Varentsov
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.2
Pages: 32-40
Keywords: electro-reduction, three-dimensional flow-through electrodes, electro-active components, numerical calculations of electrolysis processes
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Graphical Abstract: The mathematical model of electrochemical processes distribution within the three-dimensional flow-through electrode for the system Fe(III)/Fe(II)/Fe is described in this paper, considering also the electrochemical reactions of hydrogen and molecular oxygen reduction. The results of calculations and experimental studies of iron electro-reduction are given, the analysis of the numerical modeling is provided.
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Author(s): Оlga Covaliova, Alexandr Kоshev, Valery Varentsov
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.2
Pages: 41-51
Keywords: three-dimensional flow-through electrode, mathematical modeling, numerical calculations, polarization, local current density
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Graphical Abstract: The main regularities of the electroactive components distribution, polarization and local current density within the depth of the three-dimensional flow-through electrode have been studied using the calculation method, in dependence on the overall current density, electrode thickness and degree of its compression, solution flow velocity through the electrode, initial concentration of Fe(III) ions in the solution and electrodes brand.
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Author(s): Karen Ghazaryan, Hasmik Movsesyan, Naira Ghazaryan, Gor Gevorgyan, Karlen Grigoryan
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.2
Pages: 52-57
Keywords: mining, heavy metals, soil pollution, soil improvement
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Graphical Abstract: Kajaran town is situated in the south-east of the Republic of Armenia in Syunik Marz. Developed mining and smelting industries can be observed in this area. Six the most risky sites in this area and an unpolluted site as a control were selected for the study. The content of metals was determined by means of ELAN 9000 ICP-MS System. Study results revealed the increase up to 17 times in contents of following metals: Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, Sr, Mo, Cd, Pb, As. Experiments have led us to the assumption that pollution of soils with heavy metals in the studied territory is conditioned by human activities, particularly by mining and smelting industry.
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Author(s): Tudor Lupascu, Mihail Ciobanu, Victor Botan
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.2
Pages: 58-61
Keywords: divalent iron, divalent manganese, hydrogen sulfide, oxidation, coagulation
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Graphical Abstract: Processes of removal of divalent ions of iron and manganese and hydrogen sulfide from groundwater at various pH values and temperature were studied. Obtained results have been used in order to elaborate a process of groundwater purification from the mentioned pollutants. The use of elaborated process for natural water leads to the decrease of the content of iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide below the maximum allowable concentrations.
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Author(s): Viktor Mukhin, Tudor Lupascu, Nadejda Voropaeva, Yuriy Spiridonov, Nicolay Bogdanovich, Vasiliy Gur’janov
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.1
Pages: 33-36
Keywords: active carbon, vegetal raw byproducts, structural parameters, soil detoxification, water purification
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Graphical Abstract: Technologies for active carbons obtaining from vegetable byproducts such as straw, nut shells, fruit stones, sawdust, hydrolysis products of corn cobs and sunflower husks have been developed. The physico-chemical characteristics, structural parameters and sorption characteristics of obtained active carbons were determined. The ability of carbonaceous adsorbents for detoxification of soil against pesticides, purification of surface waters and for removal of organic pollutants from wastewaters has been evaluated. The obtained results reveal the effectiveness of their use in a number of environmental technologies.
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Author(s): Nikolay Kornilov, Elena Kornilova, Elena Stepanenko
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.1
Pages: 37-41
Keywords: minerals water, blood, modeling, classification
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Graphical Abstract: In the article the results of comparative analysis of the composition of the Eurasian hydromineral resources and the assessment of their impact on the physiological condition of a human organism according to biochemical studies of venous blood are presented. Processing of initial data on the composition and properties of mineral waters chloride-hydrocarbonate, sulphate- hydrocarbonate and chloride-sulphate types and venous blood are made using the method of mathematical modeling, developed by the authors of this article. It is shown that in the balneological impact of hydromineral resources on the body in the blood increases the hemoglobin and oxygen, decreases glucose, and acid-base pH shifted to high alkalinity.
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Author(s): Carmen Zaharia
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.1
Pages: 42-52
Keywords: agricultural activity, nutrient quality indicators, global pollution index, real pollution status, Siret River, Suceava County area
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Graphical Abstract: The study presents data concerning the water pollution status of Siret hydrographical basin (i.e. surface and ground waters, lakes) in Suceava County area (different controlling/monitoring sections) due to agricultural productive activities, especially regarding some quality indicators (nitrogen-based nutrient concentrations) evaluated for 2008. These data are recommending the necessity of continuous monitoring of water quality in the Siret River hydrographical basin, in all existing control sections, for identification of any pollution episodes, non-reported by polluters to the local environmental regulators.
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Author(s): Laura Bulgariu, Igor Cretescu, Dumitru Bulgariu, Matei Macoveanu
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.1
Pages: 53-58
Keywords: heavy metals, oils products, low-cost natural materials, peat moss, wastewater treatment
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Graphical Abstract: In this paper, are presented the adsorptive characteristics of a low-cost material that are abundant in our region, namely: Romanian peat moss from Poiana Stampei (Romania), for the removal of different toxic heavy metal ions (Pb(II), Hg(II), Co(II) and Ni(II)) and oil products from aqueous media. The experiments have concerned the influence of several experimental parameters (initial solution pH, adsorbent dose, initial heavy metals concentration, contact time, and temperature) on the heavy metals and oil products removal efficiency. The most important conditions for desorption of heavy metal ions from loaded-materials, required for their regeneration are also presented.
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Author(s): Mohammad Osama, Felicia Armstrong, Peter Norris, Habiba Tahira Hussain
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2014 Volume 9, no.1
Pages: 59-73
Keywords: ergosterol, cholesterol, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), sediments, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), ergosterol extraction method
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Pleurotus ostreatus, a white rot fungus, is capable of bioremediating a wide range of organic contaminants including Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). Ergosterol is produced by living fungal biomass and used as a measure of fungal biomass. The first part of this work deals with the extraction and quantification of PAHs from contaminated sediments by Lipid Extraction Method. The second part consists of the development of a novel extraction method (Ergosterol Extraction Method), quantification and bioremediation.
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Author(s): Maria Sandu, Anatol Tarita, Raisa Lozan, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca, Sergiu Turcan, Elena Mosanu, Afanasie Prepelita
Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2013 Volume 8, no.2
Pages: 42-50
Keywords: groundwater, chemicals state, pollution sources, correlation of components, water type and qualification
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In Memory of Valeriu Ropot for his scientific contributions in Waters Protection
The present study estimates chemical composition and status of the groundwater from the Dniester river basin. Research includes defining of springs/fountains location, evaluating physicochemical features of water, highlighting of main pollutants and pollution sources, establishing of water type and quality. The research was achieved within the State Program "Scientific research and water quality management".
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