Chemistry Journal of Moldova

Ecological chemistry


Zainab Abdul-Zahra and Rashed Rasheed

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2023 Volume 18, no.1
Pages: 28-37
Keywords: zinc oxide, cerium dioxide, nanoparticle, nitrite ion, pollutant, environment.
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This work is dedicated to the synthesis of ZnO and CeO2 nanopraticles with possible application for nitrite ions removal. The obtained nnaoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and UV-visible spectroscopy. Further, the produced nanoparticles were used to adsorb NO2- ions from aqueous solutions. The results showed that the nanoparticles which were heated at 90°C (hydroxide forms) presented a higher activity for nitrite ions removal than those that were heated at 400°C (oxide forms). This may be related to nitrite ions preferential adsorption to hydroxide forms rather than to oxide forms; in both cases (90°C and 400°C), zinc oxide nanoparticles presented higher nitrite removal activity.

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Tudor Lupascu and Maria Sandu

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2022 Volume 17, no.2
Pages: 7-18
Keywords: water, wastewater, chemical composition, treatment technology, pollutant.
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Graphical Abstract: This paper presents the the main scientific and innovative results are presented, which were obtained by the talented chemist and renowned ecologist Valeriu Ropot throughout his scientific career. The results of scientific investigations are bestowed and analysed concerning the quality of the waters of the Dniester and the Prut Rivers, Dubasari reservoirs on the Dniester River, as well as the main bodies of water in the Republic of Moldova. The paper also includes the practical recommendations for reducing the negative impact on the environment, of the discharge of hundreds of thousands of tons of brine into the Dniester River as a result of the accident at the mineral fertilizer plant in the city of Stebnik, Ukraine. Moreover, the paper presents the results of studies aimed at developing methods for determining organic and inorganic pollutants in natural waters.


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Viacheslav Shvydkiy, Sergei Dolgov, Alexander Dubovik, Mikhail Kozlov, Alisa Povkh, Lyudmila Shishkina, Gheorghe Duca

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2022 Volume 17, no.2
Pages: 35-42
Keywords: lecithin, hydrochemical index, water quality, UV-Vis spectroscopy, Gauss method.
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This paper presents a study of the hydrochemical composition and physicochemical properties of natural water samples from various sources in the Voronezh and Moscow regions. Two model systems are proposed for assessing the state of the aquatic environment: UV spectroscopy with spectrum decomposition by the Gauss method and spontaneous aggregation of lecithin in a polar medium. Based on the performed investigation, it was determined that the size of lecithin aggregates decreases, and the value of their zeta potential increases with an increase in the content of hydrophobic compounds in natural water.


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Oksana Stavinskaya, Iryna Laguta, Pavlo Kuzema, Iryna Skorochod, Alla Roy, Ivan Kurdish

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2022 Volume 17, no.2
Pages: 43-49
Keywords: caffeic acid, fumed silica, composite, antioxidant, radical scavenger, antimicrobial activity.
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 The work was aimed at preparing the CA+A300 composite consisting of caffeic acid (CA) and fumed silica (A300) and at comparing the properties of CA in the solution and in the composite. The results showed that the solution and the composite are effective antioxidant/antimicrobial agents and that inclusion of CA in the CA+A300 composite provides its gradual release into solutions and reaction mixtures, thus ensuring a prolonged action of the compound.


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Anna Ivanchenko, Dmytro Yelatontsev, Anatoliy Savenkov, Olena Nazarenko, Viktoria Kundirenko

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2022 Volume 17, no.1
Pages: 18-23
Keywords: hosphogypsum, ammonium nitrate, complex mineral fertilizer, wet conversion.
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Graphical Abstract: An environmentally friendly method for phosphogypsum processing into N,Ca,S,P-fertilizers is proposed. Thus, was obtained a complex liquid N,Ca,S,P-fertilizer with the content of nutrients (% wt.) N:Ca:S:P = 56:26:12:6 in the dry product, and 16.8:3.6:7.8:1.8 in the liquid phase. The obtained fertilizer increased the yield of radish by 7.16% compared to the control. The advantage of the proposed method is reducing the cost of the fertilizer, increasing its nutritional value, and obtaining useful products from the waste.


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Serghei Travin

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2021 Volume 16, no.2
Pages: 46-51
Keywords: Monte-Carlo method, mass transfer, adsorption, spatial-time dynamics, computational efficiency.
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Graphical Abstract: The possibilities of application of the Monte-Carlo method for simulating the consequences of pollutants emissions with specific adsorption on the underlying surface were considered. Effective methods of obtaining kinetic curves for the concentration of a pollutant for a selected square on the field and constructing contamination profiles for a specified time are analysed. The estimation of the necessary parameters of the model for obtaining high-quality kinetic curves was performed and recommendations for their optimization are given. Specific fronts for the spot propagation were obtained and visualised.


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Gheorghe Duca

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2021 Volume 16, no.2
Pages: 28-45
Keywords: hydrogen peroxide, redox process, catalysis, transition valence metal ion, intermediate specie.
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Graphical Abstract: This review paper is focused on the detailed consideration of the structure, properties and reactions of H2O2. The paper highlights the importance of revealing these processes’ mechanisms, since they have been insufficiently studied so far, or the related data have a fragmentary and incomplete character. A special attention is given to catalytic oxidation reactions, formation and properties of intermediates, their role in the natural environment. 


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Sergey Mikhalovsky, Oleksandr Voytko, Violetta Demchenko, Pavlo Demchenko

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Invited paper
Issue: 2021 Volume 16, no.2
Pages: 9-27
Keywords: heavy metal, enterosorbent, radioactivity, chronic exposure.
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Enterosorption is a cost-effective and efficient approach to reducing the impact of chronic exposure to heavy metals and radionuclides. As an auxiliary method to medical treatment, it can protect population chronically exposed to the intake of heavy metals or radioactivity due to industrial activities or in the aftermath of technogenic or natural accidents. This paper assesses the current state of the art in the treatment of acute and chronic heavy metal poisoning.


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Mariia Galaburda, Viktor Bogatyrov, Dariusz Sternik, Olena Oranska, Mykola Borysenko, Ivan Škorvánek, Ewa Skware, Anna Deryło-Marczewska, Volodymyr Gun’ko

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2021 Volume 16, no.1
Pages: 68-78
Keywords: sawdust, activated carbon, carbon-metal composite, magneto-sensitive sorbent.
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Graphical Abstract: The conversion of metal-modified (Fe, Co) sawdust into magneto-sensitive porous composites using thermal carbonization process in an inert atmosphere was successfully achieved. The as-prepared samples were characterized using nitrogen adsorption, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and thermal analysis methods. The obtained results show that the structural and morphological characteristics of the obtained composites depend strongly on the metal precursor’s types. All samples exhibited a good magnetic property and can be easily separated from liquids by an external magnet.


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Gunel Mamedova, Gunel Nasirli

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2021 Volume 16, no.1
Pages: 60-67
Keywords: analcime, hydrothermal synthesis, natural mineral, zeolite, crystallization.
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Graphical Abstract: This study presents an investigation of the use of the natural mineral of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic to produce analcime zeolite of potential practical importance. The influence of temperature and crystallization time, the concentration of alkaline solution and mineralizer on the process of synthesis of analcime has been evaluated. The optimal conditions established for the synthesis of pure analcime with a 100% degree of crystallinity are as follows: temperature of 180°C, alkaline and mineralizer solution of 10-15% KOH and 5-10% KCl and processing time of 50 hours. It has been shown that the presence of the KCl mineralizer promotes the production of pure analcime with a 100% crystallinity, and the natural mineral of Nakhchivan represents a good source for the synthesis process.


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