Chemistry Journal of Moldova

Ecological chemistry


Tudor Lupaşcu, Alexandru Gonţa

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.2
Pages: 58-64
Keywords: polyphenols, antioxidants, DPPH• , ABTS•+ .
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 The compound Enoxil is a mixture of polyphenols, esthers, and carboxylic acids, which could be involved in reducing the risk of diseases associated with oxidative stress. The results of the investigation of antioxidant activity for the compound Enoxil and its forms are presented in this paper. It can be concluded that acetone-Enoxil has a higher antioxidant activity that other tested compounds.

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T. Lupaşcu, M. Ciobanu, O. Bogdevici, V. Boţan

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2011 Volume 6, no.1
Pages: 77-80
Keywords: methylene blue, catalytic oxidation, chromatography, mass spectrometry.
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 It was established that the process of catalytic oxidation of methylene blue, at low concentrations (20 mg/L), i.e. in real solutions, gives sulfates and nitrates and new product, which can be categorized, in their vast majority, as impurities, probably got from the vacuum distillation unit, which make up for only ~ 10 % of methylene blue used in the experiment. Methylene blue adsorption at the interface occurs in real solutions. In case of performing the process at methylene blue concentration of 120 mg/L, hemi-micelles are adsorbed at the interface and the OH• radical acts more effectively due to the presence at the interface of a greater number of dye molecules.

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Angela G. Cincilei, Svetlana A. Tolocichina, Inna O. Rastimesina, Ion P. Dragalin, Veronica Dumbraveanu, Nina V. Streapan, Vera C. Mamaliga

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 40-43
Keywords: Benzothiazoles, biodegradation, immobilized cells, Rhodococcus sp.
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 The authors have investigated the biochemical aspects of degradation processes of persistent organic compound benzothiazole by immobilized Rhodococcus rhodochrous cells, such as entrapped in Ca-alginate beads, or as being immobilized on some solid carries. The mineralization of toxicant was complete and biodestructive capacity of entrapped in alginate bacteria increased with each new experimental cycle.

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Olga Covaliova

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 34-39
Keywords: electrochemical processes, model plating solutions, ligands, complex salts, polarization curves.
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 The problem of preventing the heavy metals and other toxic substances release in environment due to the discharges of untreated plating and rinsing solutions is actual from both ecologic and economic point of view. It is crucial to prevent the environmental pollution and uncontrolled losses of resources (metals and other substances). The treatment technologies used today are not always efficient and cost saving and in some cases they
may even provoke the secondary pollution of environment. Electrochemical treatment of industrial waste waters is one of the most promising technologies as it implies the same principles as the main technological processes and does not require introducing of chemicals into the treated solution. However, until now this method was given insufficient attention, although there are certain publications in this field [1].

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Natalia Marchitan

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 28-33
Keywords: reactive extraction, tartaric acid, Amberlite LA-2.
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 The present paper describes the results of reactive extraction of tartaric acid in model systems, which can be used for its separation from secondary wine products. As extractant have been used a normal/isododecyl mixed secondary amine Amberlite LA-2. The following parameters of the separation process have been varied: nature of diluent and modifier; modifier concentration; concentration, temperature and pH of the tartaric acid solution and the stirring time, and the work intervals have been established. It was concluded that in determinated conditions the extent of tartaric acid extraction attains value 85-95%.

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N.Ya. Tsibakhashvili, L. Mosulishvili, E. Kirkesali, T. Kalabegishvili, S. Kerkenjia, M.V. Frontasyeva, Gh. Duca , I. Zinicovscaia

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Review
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.2
Pages: 8-13
Keywords: neutron activation analysis, electron spin resonance spectrometry, Arthrobacter.
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 Most powerful primary analytical technique, neutron activation analysis, was applied to study indigenous bacteria, namely, Arthrobacter genera  which can be successfully used in detoxification and immobilization of toxic substances. In the present study the effect of Cr(VI) on the elemental content of these bacteria has been examined. The concentrations from 12 to 19 elements such as Na, Al, Cl, K, Fe, Co, Zn, As, Br, Rb, Sr, Sb, Ba, Tb, Th, U were determined in the bacterial cells. The high rate of Cr accumulation in the tested bacterial cells was shown. In bacteria treated with  chromate some similarity in the behaviour of the following essential elements − potassium, sodium, chlorine − was observed. Such non-essential elements as Ag, As, Br and U were determined in all bacteria and have to be considered by cells as toxins.

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Goncharuk Vladyslav

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.1
Pages: 79-83
Keywords: high quality drinking water, supplying of the population, concept.
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 The reasons of poor quality of the drinking water, submitted to consumers have been analyzed. The new concept of supplying the population with high quality drinking water is offered. Qualitative and safe for health drinking water is produced on site of its consumption (using the installations for well-room type). The ways for solving of legislative, organization and technical problems required for realization of the proposed concept are considered.

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Vasile Rusu and Aliona Vrinceanu

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.1
Pages: 75-78
Keywords: diatomite, sorption of Cu2+ ions.
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 Studies of the sorption capacity towards Cu2+ ions of diatomite from the Ghidirim location of RM, as well as of the extracted clay phase are presented. Separated clay fraction from diatomic material is clean enough, and especially is rich in montmorillonite. Maximum sorption capacity for studied clay fraction is achieved by rising the temperature of calcination treatment up to 200oC. At higher temperatures the lattice of montmorillonite is contracted and its sorption capacity towards Cu2+ ions decreases strongly.

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V.M. Mukhin, Yu. Ya. Spiridonov, T.G. Lupascu

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2009 Volume 4, no.1
Pages: 72-74
Keywords: pesticides, soil, activated carbon, detoxification.
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 The paper emphasizes a very severe social-ecological problem, related to the contamination of soils by pesticides and fodder micotoxins. The authors suggest the utilization of a carbon adsorption based method of purification of soils contaminated with traces of pesticides. It is demonstrated that this method of soil rehabilitation leads to an 80% crop increase, allowing the production of environmentally clean plant products. The utilization of special activated carbons “Ptitsesorb” leads to a 30-40% decrease of necessary combined fodder in chickens breeding.

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T. Lupashcu, M. Ciobanu

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2008 Volume 3, no.2
Pages: 55-57
Keywords: adsorption, ammonia ion, ammonia and activated carbon.
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 The adsorption process of ammonia ions and ammonium from aqueous solutions on the intact activated carbon obtained from nutshells through activation with phosphoric acid and oxidized with H2O2 and later impregnated with salt containing Co2+, Ag+, Ni2+, Cu2+, has been investigated. The efficiency of ammonia ions and ammonium elimination from various water categories, using both activated carbon (the intact CAN-7 and CAN-7 oxidized with H2O2 and impregnated with Co2+, Ag+, Ni2+, Cu2+ ions) has been demonstrated.

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