Chemistry Journal of Moldova

Ecological chemistry


Angela Lis, Viorica Gladchi, Gheorghe Duca, Sergey Travin

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2021 Volume 16, no.1
Pages: 46-59
Keywords: photochemical transformation, thioglycolic acid, humic substance, kinetic parameter, natural water.
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Abstract (PDF)
Graphical Abstract: The photochemical transformations of thioglycolic acid using model systems was studied by varying the irradiation sources and the kinetic parameters were determined. It was found that thioglycolic acid undergoes destruction on induced photolysis in the presence of humic substances, and its half-life can be estimated as 10-14 days, depending on weather conditions (cloudiness, time of day, season etc.). Results obtained in the course of this study on model systems were transferred to natural waters, and it was concluded that thioglycolic acid has a positive influence on the chemical self-purification processes of water, in the natural aquatic environment. This is manifested by increasing the self-purification capacity of water, due to the generation of active oxygen species, which lead to the degradation not only of this thiol, but of other pollutants present in aquatic environment, as well. At the same time, the products of the transformations are harmless to the aquatic environment and hydrobionts.


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Vitālijs Lazarenko, Zenta Balcerbule, Vita Rudoviča, Arturs Vīksna

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2020 Volume 15, no.2
Pages: 38-44
Keywords: phosphorus, nitrogen, sulphur, lichen, soil.
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Graphical Abstract: The aim of this research work was to evaluate the pollution level of phosphorus, sulphur and nitrogen in the former manufacturing areas (the former Kuprava drainage pipe factory and landfill site) and compare it with the Sita forest area levels using lichens as bioindicators. Additionally, the correlation between the content of these elements in lichens and soil was examined. The research results show that in the former drainage pipe factory area and landfill site, the levels of phosphorus, sulphur and nitrogen content were elevated in comparison with Sita forest. In the case of phosphorus and nitrogen contents, a positive correlation was observed between soil and lichen samples. 


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Stefano Ubaldini, Igor Povar, Tudor Lupascu, Oxana Spinu, Francesca Trapasso, Daniele Passeri, Serena Carloni, Daniela Guglietta

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2020 Volume 15, no.2
Pages: 29-37
Keywords: mining waste, gold, thiosulphate leaching, activated carbon, adsorption, desorption.
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Graphical Abstract: The application of a new hydrometallurgical process for gold extraction by thiosulphate leaching from Romanian mining wastes, coming from Balan and Deva deposits, was studied. There was obtained 85% of Au extraction after leaching; moreover, an integrated flow-sheet, including recycling of process solution and carbon, was outlined, based on results obtained at a laboratory scale, using a schematic chemical circuit of treatment. Global recovery of the process (leaching-adsorption-desorption-electrodeposition) of about 75-80% of Au was achieved. The developed integrated flow-sheet, allows to recycle the reagents during the process, with a loss of only 5-10%, in particular thiosulphate and alcohol, for each complete circuit of treatment.


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Elena Culighin

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2020 Volume 15, no.1
Pages: 41-50
Keywords: pesticide, hexachlorocyclohexane, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, soil, Republic of Moldova.
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Graphical Abstract: The level, composition, and distribution of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) residues were determined by GC-ECD technique in soil samples from the Soroca district, Republic of Moldova. The concentrations of DDTs and HCHs were up to 1100 and 640 mg/kg, respectively. The high concentration and the degradation rates of the pesticides in soil suggest that the contaminated sites are acting as continuous sources of pollution for the environment. Thus, remediation measures are required to reduce the level of the contaminants in soil.


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Gunel Mamedova

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2020 Volume 15, no.1
Pages: 31-40
Keywords: hydrothermal synthesis, zeolite, gismondine, laumontite, levyne.
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Graphical Abstract: Gismondine, laumontite and levyne type zeolites have been synthesized based on the natural minerals of Nakhchivan and the optimal crystallization conditions have been established. The initial components and the reaction products have been examined by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric and elemental analysis. It was found that changes in the temperature, alkalinity, ratio of starting components and time of processing of the reaction have different effects on the rate of formation of products, on their degree of crystallinity and on the phase purity of the obtained zeolite.


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Daniela Guglietta, Girolamo Belardi, Giovanna Cappai, Barbara Casentini, Alicia Godeas, Stefano Milia, Daniele Passeri, Rosamaria Salvatori, Adalgisa Scotti, Vanesa Silvani, Emanuela Tempesta, Stefano Ubaldini, Francesca Trapasso

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2020 Volume 15, no.1
Pages: 21-30
Keywords: mining waste, metal recovery, recycle, remote sensing analysis.
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Graphical Abstract: The aim of this paper is to evaluate an integrated multidisciplinary strategy for the characterization of mining waste, their possible recycling and reuse. The use of Fe-Mn rich wastes in arsenic removal and phosphorus recovery from water and the phytoextraction potential of metals and their possible recovery from biomass are evaluated.


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Raisa Sircu, Gheorghii Turcanu, Nicolae Opopol, Iurie Pinzaru, Tatiana Manceva, Raisa Scurtu

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2019 Volume 14, no.2
Pages: 62-71
Keywords: pesticide residue, fruit, vegetable, estimated daily intake, risk assessment.
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Graphical Abstract: A total of 5206 samples from twenty-one different vegetables and fruits were collected. Residues of pesticides in concentrations exceeding the maximum residue levels were found in 22.9% of analysed samples. Thirteen insecticides, four fungicides, two acaricides and one herbicide were detected in the analysed samples. The highest value of hazard index was calculated for diazinon – 0.15. The obtained results show that the long-term consumption of vegetables and fruits could pose a health risk for the population of the Republic of Moldova.


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Oksana Stavinskaya, Iryna Laguta, Tetiana Fesenko, Marina Krumova

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Short communication
Issue: 2019 Volume 14, no.2
Pages: 117-121
Keywords: nanoparticle, silver, green synthesis, Vitex agnus-castus extract.
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Graphical Abstract: Silver nanoparticles colloids were prepared using the extract from the leaves of Vitex agnus-castus. The effect of temperature on the reduction of silver ions and on the growth of silver nanoparticles was followed by measuring the intensity of the surface plasmon resonance band in the UV spectra. It was found that fast reduction of silver ions occurs even at 40°C, while effective synthesis of silver nanoparticles requires elevated temperatures of 60-80°C.


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Gheorghe Duca, Aliona Mereuta, Natalia Velisco, Claudiu Tanaselia, Tatiana Mitina

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2019 Volume 14, no.1
Pages: 61-67
Keywords: Prut River, heavy metal, quality indicator, water quality index.
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Graphical Abstract: This study presents an assessment of water quality of Prut River using the Water Quality Index (WQI), calculated according to the weighted arithmetic water quality index method. The obtained results show that the water of Prut River may be classified according to WQI as good water quality of grade B for sampling points Sculeni and Cislita-Prut villages, and very poor water quality of grade D collected in the sampling point Criva village.


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Serghei Travin, Gheorghe Duca, Viorica Gladchi

Field: Ecological chemistry
Type: Research paper
Issue: 2019 Volume 14, no.1
Pages: 47-53
Keywords: hexachlorocyclohexane, natural water, radical self-purification, kinetic characteristic.
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Graphical Abstract: This study presents an assessment of water quality of Prut River using the Water Quality Index (WQI), calculated according to the weighted arithmetic water quality index method. The obtained results show that the water of Prut River may be classified according to WQI as good water quality of grade B for sampling points Sculeni and Cislita-Prut villages, and very poor water quality of grade D collected in the sampling point Criva village.


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